Chapter 7: An innocent Disney animal character

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I gasped as I was suddenly pushed into the lockers behind me. I looked up to glare at the prick, only to roll my eyes when I saw it was the poser new kid.

"What do you want, Cyrus?"

Yes, I learned the prick's name. He's been trying to corner me all day today, and honestly it's sad. Didn't he have to go buy some new hair gel?

"I want you." He grinned, and I shuddered in disgust when I got a wiff of the ciggarette that he must have smoked recently.

"Well, I really don't want to, so if you would kindly move before I ruin your chances of making mini yous. Thank you." I started to duck under the arm that was caging me in when suddenly he gripped my upper arm and slammed me back into the lockers hard enough to make my head pound and my heart hammer in fear.

I gritted my teeth and curled my hands into fists. I am not weak anymore. I can fight back now. This is not going to happen, not by someone who I don't even know.

Cyrus saw my fists balled up and he laughed in my face, which just angered me even more. I suddenly kneed Cyrus in his baby maker, and he groaned but only tightened his grip on my forearms.

"Feisty. I like it," His eyes darkened dangeroulsy and I tried to hide the fear on my face, while I tried not to punch the prick, "You need to learn a little lesson, my dear."

Before I could understand what he meant, my head jerked to the left with a pianful force on my right cheek. I bit my lip hard in order to not give him the satsifaction of seeing me cry out. My cheek stung, my forearms throbbed, my head is pounding and still no one is these halls. The place is practically deserted. What the hell?

He grinned when he saw the dark red spot on my cheek. "That's a good girl." He pet my head, and I tried to bite his fingers but he patted the bruise roughly and I hissed.

I growled at him and I winced at how quiet I sounded. "Aww, you sound adorable. Do it again."

He reached his hand up to pet my cheek again, and I tried to slap him but he was quick and grabbed both my wrists with his hand that wasn't touching my face. He tsked at me but stopped when he heard a single resounding clap in the otherwise deserted hallway.

I tensed up even more when I turned my head and saw Hayden there with a smile on his handsome face. Wait, what? No, I didn't just think that. That slap messed me up.

Hayden's eyes darkened almost impossibly when he saw the bruises on my cheek and forearms. His hands curled into tight fists and his eyes turned into slits just a little, but his face didn't lose the ever present easy going, but dangerous, smile.

He walked toward us, and Cyrus tensed up. "Hey, man." Hayden said, pleasently.

Cyrus eyed Hayden uncomfortably, and the prick still had his hands on me. I made eye contact with Hayden and flicked my eyes to Cyrus' hands to show him that I wanted them off. Cyrus noticed this and tightened his hands, painfully, and I let out a small squeak that him and Hayden heard.

"Let go of her. Now." Hayden got out, through gritted teeth.

Cyrus grinned. "Why? She's a beauy isn't she?" He carresed my face and I flicnhed away. I shook my head to rid myself of painful memories, and I felt like I was half here and half not.

I looked up just in time to see Hayden's fist smash into Cyrus' face, and blood started gushing out. I looked down to see Cyrus groaning painfully on the floor. I walked up to him, and said in all seriousness, "I feel sorry for your future wife, prick." And I smashed my foot into his balls and his face contorted into pain while he cupped his manhood.

I grabbed Hayden's hand and dragged him away only to be pulled into a hug. I awkwardly put my hands around his wide shoulders and hugged him back. "I am killing that bastard." He mumbled under his breath.

I chuckled, and looked up at him only to see him on his phone talking to someone named 'Caleb'. I jumped a little as the bell rung and Cyrus was gone. Hayden snapped his phone shut just as Christi reached me and gasped. "Do I need to slap a ho? 'Cuz I haven't used my chainsaw or my butcher knife in a while..." She trailed off thoughtfully.

I gasped and she jumped as I broke her out of her torture thoughts. "Oh my flying ducks, neither have I."

"Will you show me yours?' She asked me.

"Only if you show me--" I choked on a word as I was pulled into another warm hug.

He pulled away only to look at my face all over amd down my body. "Are you okay, Bambi? Do you want me to hurt him? Because I know how to kill a person without leaving any traces." He said in all seriousness and I stared at him weirdly. Is that true?

He grinned, almost nervously, and then his face became blank when he recieved a message on his phone. He pulled me into another hug, and he pressed his lips to my forhead and I froze, while he sauntered of and walked right out of school. I pressed his fingers to my forehead, still able to feel his lips against my face.

"Come on," My wrist was pulled towards the door, and I realized that the school day was over.


"You are moronic." Christi said.

"How am I moronic?" I asked her, still confused as heck.

"You are oblivious."

"How am I oblivious?" I asked her, seriosuly annoyed right now.

"You are... I don't even know anymore. You're so high up in the clouds that you could be Jesus himslef." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "That's highly unreasonable, and why am I all those insulting names you just called me?" I asked her.

"Do you not realize that Hayden..." She grinned devlishly, "likes me?"

"Say what now?" I asked her, angry, and that confused me.

Hayden doesn't like her. She doesn't even kow him, and neither do I. I don't know a thing about Hayden other than he has a twin brother, or a look a like, and he can turn off his emotions easily.

I looked up to Christi and asked her, "Do you like him?"

She grinned at me, and I saw a glint in her eye. "Totally, I mean, he's hot, a bad boy, and I love his leather jaket and tousled brown hair. What's not to like?"

I just shrugged and looked at my hands. Dammit, no. This isn't me anymore. Not anymore. I am not trusting again. You just get hurt. The only person I can trust is my dad. I'm not the quiet girl I used to be. I starightened my shoulders and looked at Christi who laughed at whatever my expression might be. "Gee, I'm joking. That boy only has eyes for you."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, then saw that she was serious. "How would you even know that? I just met the dude, I know knothing about him, and he calls me by an innocent Disney animal character. I don't really hear the wedding bells."

"Because you're not listening hard enough." She insisted.

"I'll listen hard enough when Jesus comes to tell me my mission before I go up or down." I deadpanned.

She scowled at me and I grinned internally. "You're impossible!"

"You love me," I grinned.

"Shut up, and don't try to deny it. He may not show emotions, but he shows that he cares about one thing, right now."

I rolled my eyes, and asked anyway, "What?"




I LOVE YOU! Obviously this isn't the end. I'm just getting started, guys. I just wanted to post something cuz I haven't updated in a while. So, tell me what you think. Leave some comments cuz I'd love to read them but honestly? I am so confused. I read books every day that are better than mine. Why are you guys actually reading this? Well, oh well, I appreciate it anyway. So tell me what you think and if you liked the story but hated Cyrus (AKA Poser Bad Boy) show me some love.


I HAVEN'T DONE THAT IN A WHILE. Okay, love you guys.

The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin