Chapter 8: Let's have some fun pops

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I hugged my dad as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sniffed at his comforting scent and grinned even more for no reason.

"Are you serious?" I asked him. We were still a little new around here and didn't know much stuff, so I didn't want him to get lost. And this bowling alley, Knockin' Pins, requires a memebership. I don't get it.

"Yeah, Lyd. Go put on some clothes and we'll leave in a few," he told me. I frowned becuse I was already dressed.

"I am dressed," I said. I looked down at my Spongebob t-shirt and my gray sweatpants and found nothing wrong with that. I also had Hayden's sweatshirt wrapped around my waist. My face flushed in embarassment and I was glad my dad ddin't see it because he shook his head and walked towards his room.

"What will I get in return if I give you my sweashirt? 'Cuz you know this is my favorite, so it costs quite a bit," Hayden said with an amsued tone, and slightly less blank eyes.

"I don't know," I said, as I stared longingly at his hoodie.

"But I want something," he insisted.

"Well, fine, what do you want?" I asked him, impatiently.

"Something," he said again.

"Hayden," I growled. I don't know why I want it so bad, but I do, and I am not willing to dig too deep into the matter.

"Fine, but you owe me," he said. I groaned. I hate owing people.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled. I sniffed the snuggly sweater, and sneezed a little. "It smells like you."

"Cute sneeze, Bambi, and nice to know you like my smell." He smiled a little and I couldn't stop staring until I snapped out of it when Christi called my name impatiently.

I shook my head and slipped on the sweater as my dad came downstairs with his phone, coat and my headphones.

"Where'd you get the sweater, kid?" He asked. I willed my face not to blush, and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Christi's older brother didn't want it," I said, as I subtly sniffed the black sweaer.

"I thought Christi only had an older sister?" He asked, clearly confused.

I froze when my words registed in my brain. Dammit. "Uhh, yeah, I mean, uhm, yeah, a hobo gave it to me in exchange for me not telling that he stole candy from a baby," I blurted out randomly.

"You and your imagination, kid. I love it," He said, and grinned, and so did I. It seems like he forgot about the sweater and I was safe.

After turning a 20 minute drive into a 35 minute drive, we got out and looked up at the large building while hopping out of the car. "It looks like a strip club," I deadpanned.

The red lights making the letters of Knockin' Pins stand out were entrancingly blinking as if trying to find a source to direct it's light ray of death to. The place's front door had a sign that said Come one, Come all. We don't discriminate with a winky face next to it. I snorted, and watched as my dad cocked an amused eyebrow.

"I'm going to kick your ass, kid," he said, as if he actually believed that it was true.

"Let's have some fun, pops," I said to him, grinning evilly.


"There is no way that I lost," I said as I stared up at the screen that clearly said Dad 104, Lyd 92. "No way," I mumbled.

He put his arms around my shoulders and grinned. "Come on, I'm hungry. You were the one who said Loser treats winner, correct?"

I grumbled.

After we got our food and finished eating, we walked out of the place but stopped when he said he forgot his phone. I said okay, and stood there waiting for him when I saw something flash by the corner of my eyes.

I turned my eeys and saw something that made my heart race. There was a silver pistol shining in the moonlightnas it was pointing at another figure a few feet away. I moved closer when I noticed that their mouths were moving.

"I'd like to see you try. I'd kill you before you even get the chance to wave hello, you little SOB," I heard a familair voice say, frighteningly calm witha gun pointed at him.

"Oh, really? I have a gaurd on her now. I see it already. Deny it all you want, but there is one person who can break the shield and when they do, I'll be here to take it, and you, down all the way," a voice said threateningly. "You've been warned, brother."

They both walked towards the other direction and I walked back jsut in time for my dad to come back.

"Ready, kid?" He asked me.

I nodded, but kept quiet. I snorted when I realized something.

Who is actually stupid enough to hold a testosterone filled fight outside of a popular bowling alley?


Hey, guys. I am so sorry for the long wait. I didn't realize the dates, and my sense of time is terrible. I really have my own human schedule who I use at school to make sure I go to the right class at the right time. She loves me. So, short, very, relaxing but essential. You might already have guessed something related to Hayden and his brother, and I want to know what you think. Is he bipolar, a really good actor or does he want something?

Vote and Comment, and I'll see you guys later. And watch out for my new story which will be Coming Soon. That's what I've been doing: gathering thoughts for anew story. Enjoy, and carry on my wayward son! there will be peace when you are done! Hopefully.


The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin