Chapter 12: If you wanted me to get up, you could've just said so!

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Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July setting fire to the sky

He-here comes this rising tide so come on

I bobbed my head along to the music of Fall Out Boy at the kitchen counter while my dad was making some of his awesome chocolate chip pancakes. He tapped me on the shoulder of my cookie monster t shirt and I took my headphones out of my ear.

"Yeah, pops? If the pancakes are not done, this house better be on fire," I said while glaring at him.

He chuckled, and glanced at the clock. "The house is not on fire, kid, but you have school in about 15 minutes. You should start walking. I was going to ask if you want a container or foil?"

"Container," I said, while inwardly groaning.

"Gotcha, kid," my dad replied.

A few minutes later my dad handed me his awesome pancakes, gave me a kiss and we walked out of the door together.

On the way to school, I swear I saw the car again. For the past few days, I have seen that dark blue Camaro Chroma either passing by me everyday on the walk to school or in front of the school. And I haven't seen Hayden for the past few days either, but I don't care. At all. Hahaha.

Yeah, I'm lying. Everyday, even if I want to deny it, I wonder where he is. I haven't seen him since that day that Courage's mouth doors touched mine in The Attack Of The Rug. It seems like he just disappeared.

I shrugged, and looked up to see I was already in front of the school. I walked into the place, and saw another not-so-fun surprise.

"Christie, how have ya been?" I asked loudly, and she glared harder. "Oh, still not talking? I got it, just remember to wipe that big percentage of female dog out of your software."

Ever since I came back from the Hayden and Carson kidnapping, Christie would glare nonstop at me and she also began to sit with the Medusa and her flockies. Traitor much?

I rolled my eyes as she stayed silent, but when I tried to walk past her she grabbed my arm. I sighed and asked, "What?"

She suddenly smirked evilly, and laughed loudly when the hallways were empty. "Oh, you pathetic little shit! Where were you, huh? Trying to hide? You can't hide! Not from us!"

My eyes widened, and I looked at her with confusion and uncertainty shining in my eyes. "May I ask why you care, and who is us?"

"No, you may not." She answered.

I raised an eyebrow, and laughed silently, "I already did."

She glared at me, "Shut it! Now, where is he?"

"Where's who?" I asked, as I glanced up at the wall clock. Damn, I am really late to class. I bet she wouldn't like it if she had to deal with spit going in her face constantly.

Her eyes narrowed. Ooh, so scary. You just look like a retarted spider, Hun. "You know who."

"I do," I agreed, and she smirked triumphantly. "But I haven't seen Santa Claus for a few months. You'll have to wait a little while longer, sweetheart."

"You want to make this difficult, Torres? Fine," she said, and was about to walk away when I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.

"What happened to you?" I asked her. "This isn't you."

The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin