Chapter 5: That is one sexy piece of chocolate cake.

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"Dad, I'm home!" I screamed up the stairs to my dad who is most likely sticking his nose in a book.

I put my keys in the bowl on the table by the door and I heard him scream back, "Welcome home, kid. There's some leftover food in the fridge." Christi ran to the kitchen immediately after hearing that. I guess she likes food. "And don't forget to feed that damn dog of yours!"

"Yeah, yeah. Gotcha pops." I muttered under my breath.

I walked into the kitchen to see Christi staring in my refrigerator. "You have chicken, and cupcakes, and whipped cream brownies, and good stuff, and gahhh," she wheezed, "that is one sexy piece of chocolate cake."

I laughed and sat down at the table with my apple. "So... What do you want to do?"

"Eat a cat?" Christi suggested. "Those...things are evil."

My eyes shot open and I jumped on Christi and hugged her until she couldn't breathe. "Oh my god! Thank you! Cats are like the devil's secretary. Almost as much as my dad."

Christi's eyes lit up and she opened her much to say something but my body suddenly went forward from a force in the back of my legs. I caught myself before I could fall but Christi fell off of her chair. "Ahhh! Lydia!"

"It wasn't my fault! You can't exactly blame me. Blame the dog." I said, innocently. I looked down at Mr. WhipperWhopper to see him sitting on his hind legs with his tail wagging and his tongue poking out.

I leaned down to pet him and he licked my hand. "Hey boy, what do you think we should do? Because I am bored." I looked over to Christi. "Are you bored?"

She shrugged and crawled over to sit beside me. "I guess but I'm kind of liking the idea of revenge right about now."

"Okay. How about Life?" I asked.

"No. How about Monopoly?" She suggested.

"Nah. Chutes And Ladders?" I suggested.

We looked at each other and shook our heads in unison. "Nah."

"Guess Who?"

"Connect Four?"

"Candy Land?"

Then we asked in unison, "Truth Or Dare?"

We nodded and Christi said, with a glint in her eye, "With a twist."

"What's the twist?" I asked while petting Mr. WhipperWhopper and looking at Christi.

"The twist is... If you pick Dare, then you have to do it and if you don't then you are the opponent's personal assistant for 20 minutes. If you pick Truth, then you can only pick Truth three consecutive times in a row before you have to pick an automatic Dare." She stuck out her hand. "Deal?"

"Deal." I grinned. "Let The Games begin!"

"Ok. Last one." She grinned evilly. "Open your window, climb into the next door neighbor's balcony and scream, 'I lost my voice! Can you please find it for me, a mere potato?'" She finished.

Now I regret telling her about the new neighbor. As in the resident 'Bad Boy' of my new school.

I looked down at my died dark purple toes and the drawn penis on my arm and sighed. I forgot the rules for two turns and for some reason Christi had some purple die and a silver marker in her school bag.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to my balcony from the middle of my room which we came into a little while earlier. I squared my shoulders and puffed out my cheeks like a squirrel.

The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin