Chapter 19: Good Night

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"Pl - please stop," my raspy voice said as the pain from their agonizing punches and kicks got to my head. My unsteady head lulled to the side and back as the two men stood back, breathing heavily, and just looked at me. My barely open eyes look as they stood with heir hands behind their backs and their heads turned toward the slowly opening door.

"Ahh, good job, boys. You're dismissed," A very pudgy man walked over to me with a slight limp and he was taking a long time to get here, almost as long as his wiry beard.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." The two men said together as they walked out of the room and I watched them through my blurry and obscured gaze.

The heavy door slammed shut with a loud, resounding boom that echoed throughout the small space. A slight shift to my right and the pain in my abdomen area reminded me once again not to move.

"You stupid as-," I coughed, hacking up a little blood, "You stupid ass people are really getting on my damn nerves! Why can't you go kidnap someone else? I would very much enjoy not being tied up every freaking week!" I growled angrily. The man's eyes were hidden behind shades, but his lips twisted up into a nasty snarl.

"You little whore, I dare you to talk to me like that again, and you'll never see that bastard again," the old man hissed out, spit hitting my face just under my eye and minty breath blowing towards me. I turned my face and he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Understand?"

I kept my mouth shut and continued to glare at him, not willing to give him the satisfaction of hearing me speak. He squeezed my jaw harder, and put his hand around my neck. My eyes widened and he grinned evilly. His hand started to tighten and I tried to hold back the urge to cough but slowly his hand encompassed most of my throat.

"I said, understand?" He said triumphantly, like he knew I was going to say it. The words wanted to come out, I wanted the words to come out, but they didn't. His had started tightening more and I wished my hands weren't tied so I could reach up and try to grab his hands away. His sick smile slowly fell off of his face and he grabbed my hair after letting go of my throat. I hurriedly dragged air in and he grabbed my hair tight, letting my throat go. His hand wound back and he slapped me. I cried out as the room seemed to start spinning again.

"Understood?!" He screamed at me. I squeezed my eyes shut and thought about my dad.

"Understood," I whispered, whimpering from the pain of having to speak through my bruised throat. I'm so, so tired of being tired. I want to fight back, I want to be strong enough for this, I want to know why this is even happening! And I really want to sleep.

I love my dad, my really awesome dad. Best dad ever. And Hayden... Hayden is a muscly gang leader who's best friend is an All Time Low fan. Courage is my little not so cowardly dog. I wonder what's up with him these days. Oh well, I still want to sleep...

Good night.
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Third Person* (Wanna try it)

Three of the four men in room were sitting at the brown, wooden table looking over papers that were in code. The other man, Lydia's father, had no idea what they said. He was too busy messing up his hair and scraping his teeth against each other.

He missed his daughter... he wanted Lydia back. He suddenly got angry, unreasonably angry at the wall. His eyebrows drew together, his lips set into a grim line and his fist was pulled back. In one second, he was standing up. In the next two seconds, there was a hole in the wall and complete silence in the room.

"Oscar, you need to calm down." The man with the piercings said to the father of the kidnapped girl. He was prepared for the outburst, for the oncoming hits, but all he got was a scream.

"Don't you dare fucking tell me to calm down! My daughter is kidnapped! This is the second damn time his has happened and it is because of you, you bastard!" Oscar paused for a minute to catch his breath, his ragged breathing the only sound in the room. "You came here! You - you made my daughter have feelings for you, you caused this! YOU DID THIS!" Oscar screamed at the calm boy who was standing now, watching closely. "You did this."

On the outside, the leader of the gang was calm, collected and unaffected, seemingly uncaring towards the father's tirade. But on the inside, his head was a maelstrom of thoughts that were swirling around his head. I did this. My Lydia has been taken, again, because of my stupidity. Because of me. I did -

"Oh, you must be the dumbest idiot on this entire planet. Hell, the whole freaking universe!" Carson yelled at Hayden. He rolled his eyes and slapped his best friend upside the head. "Are you seriously going to stand there and beat yourself up over something that was not in your control? Yes, you did cause this by talking to her. I'm not going to sugarcoat shit for you, but you would have never known that your uncle would be up to his -"

"It's not his uncle this time," the larger than life man in the room said quietly, everyone instantly turning their attention to him, even the angry father nursing his hand. "Your uncle is dead, he was killed last night. By who, no one knows except the one who killed him. This is someone else's doing."

"And who's doing is it?" Hayden asked the man who was currently looking down at his phone, typing rapidly.

"Hold up, boss... Got it!" The man exclaimed after a few more seconds of his fingers flying over the keyboard. The father's eyebrows raised, surprised by the fact that he actually got the information, if he did.

"And..." The gang leader's right hand man questioned the angry looking large man. The other men in the room started to watch him closely because he gritted his teeth and curled his fists. "Who is it?!"

"It's... it's Lesley." The silence stretched around the room, until Carson burst out laughing and soon Hayden did, too, along with Courage. The father was just confused and still in pain from punching the wall. Oscar watched all of the men laugh and chuckle, but there was still a storm brewing in his head and in his heart. What if I never see my Lyd again?

"I'm sorry, it's just that for such a tiny, pudgy man he has the worst name. His mother must have hated him." Carson said as he tried to hold back his uncontrollable laughter.

No one noticed the big man clenching his fists harder, or his face turning red with anger. No one knew that Courage was entirely aware of the location of the man, Lesley.

He had lived there most of his life. And he had just been there a week ago, hugging the man who was hurting the girl.

I haven't updated in forever, wow. But I am so proud of myself with this chapter. I laughed way too hard at something in the chapter up there. Who knows, maybe you'll laugh at the same thing I laughed at, lol. So, sorry for the wait, think I got my mojo back for this book. Got a little tied up. Enjoy, vote and comment. Peace it.



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