Chapter 2: You might look like you eat kittens, but you don't act like it.

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I was sitting in the front seat next to my dad on the way to the ALA Airport. I had my headphones in and was listening to 'Dirty Little Secret' by The All American Rejects. They're amazeballs.

My dad was listening to some blues music on the radio, and looked like he was enjoying it. I shook my head and internally snorted. He's so old school.

I took my headphones out and turned my phone off. If we're going on a plane for a few hours then I need the battery. I looked down at my phone and saw that I have a little more than 80% left. And this power bank is freaking annoying. Why should I have to charge it when it is supposed to charge something else?

"Hey, kid, when we get to the airport we might have a little time before we get on the plane, alright," my dad glanced over at me to see if it was fine with me.

"Mmkay," I mumbled. I was too busy thinking about my soon to be new home.

Will I have an annoying neighbor? What happens at the school? What kind of people live there? Will I even like the school? Will there be someone who I can relate to?

I might be a loner but I want a companion. I want someone who I can talk to anytime I want. I just don't want someone who is a douchebag or an asshole. That's basically the reason I am a loner. Because almost everyone these days are either pretend douchebags, assholes or bitches.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that my dad had pulled up into the airport parking lot. That was either really fast, or maybe I blacked out for a while.

My dad started to get out of the car and I followed after him.

"Kid, I'm gonna go get a cart. Stay put," my dad told me. He acts like I'm a child. I might be immature but I can still be mature when I want to. Maybe.

I nodded my head, and he went off to get a cart. I was staring down at my hands when I heard a small whimper. My head snapped up and I saw Mr. WhipperWhopper staring up at me. I couldn't believe I was so in my thoughts that I forgot about my dog. How could he have survived without me?

I crouched down next to Mr. WhipperWhopper and petted his head. He nuzzled his face into my hand and I sat down on the ground next to him. He cuddled up to my side like a little teddy bear, and I gladly accepted.

My mood has been a little down all day because of the 'dream' and the aspect of moving to a new state, or place period. I don't know what to expect. And I don't want to get my hopes up too high.

Mr. WhipperWhopper must have sensed my mood change because he got up and tugged on my sleeve with his teeth. I got up and followed Mr. WhipperWhopper to a clear part of the parking lot, after he got his favorite bouncy ball. He stood a couple feet away and yapped at me to hurry up.

I tossed the ball over to him and he caught it. I laughed when he did a little dance that looked like he was trying to lick his stomach. After a few more tosses and catches my dad came back and my mood was way better.

My dad looked me over and must have noticed that I was feeling better because he nodded his head in approval. I beamed at him and he shook his head.

"C'mon kid. We gotta go. We can't miss our plane number call," my dad told me. And I agree.

My dad and I started to put our suitcases, and Mr. WhipperWhopper's dog kennel, on the cart. When we were finished we started to roll it into the airport.

Right when we were inside of the airport our plane number was called and we went over to the entrance. We started to walk down the hall and Mr. WhipperWhopper was put into the animal section in his kennel. That's so cruel. How would they like it if they were forced into a dark room, in a small confining box? I bet they would not like it at all.

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