Chapter 10: Double O Woah

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"Wake up, Bambi," I heard a voice say.

I groaned, and mumbled, "Goo awaa."

"Ba-" The voice was cut off and there was silence once again.

"I'll take care of her, Hayden. Go, handle your shit," The other voice said as my stuck together eyes tried to blink.

"If she is hurt, in any way, there will be hell to pay," I heard the slightly familiar voice say, before I heard footsteps and then silence.

"The bastard's far too gone already," I heard the second voice say, right when I got my eyes to open.

"Carson?" I questioned, as I blinked a few times.

"Good, you're awake. I didn't really feel like carrying you," Carson said as he walked away from the huge truck.

"Such a gentleman!" I screamed, as I ran to catch up with him.

"I know, Bambi, I know," he said, and I got really tense all of a sudden.

"What?" I asked.

"What, what?" He asked me back.

"Why did you call me that?"

"Because Hayde calls you that. Is he like the only person who can call you Bambi, or something? Or do I get best friend of crush privileges?" He asked me.

"Not really," I mumbled. "And no, you don't get best friend of crush- Wait, no!"

He grinned, triumphantly, and continued to walk to nowhere.

His best friend was Hayden, and I didn't have a crush on Hayden. I just met the dude less than a month ago. There's no way you could develop a crush in a month, right? I don't think so. And, even if I did, I'm pretty sure the feelings wouldn't be reciprocated. Why would Hayden want to date a worthless piece of crap-

"Where are we going?" I asked Carson, confused as to why I see a tumbleweed rolling a few feet away from us, and wanting to stop my train of thoughts.

"To Neverland," he answerd simply.

"But my name isn't Wendy, and I don't want you to be my Lost Boy," I countered.

"Trust me, I couldn't be even if I tried."


After what felt like an hour of waling, but was probably only twenty minutes, I began to see a structure of a huge house.

"Holy crap," I muttered.

The house was made of painted brick, and looked to be about four stories tall. There were black curtains covering most of the window and I swear I saw a flash of peanut butter fur before it ran around the side of the house.

"What'd you guys do with Mr. Whipper Whopper?" I questioned him, while my mind was racing.

Was I a terrible dog owner? Is it bad that I was thinking more of my dad then myself and my dog? Where was my dog? Did he still love me? Did he join a doggy gang? Have I lost my precious pooch to the wild life of stealing bones and trespassing hoes? Oh, woe is me.

"He's at the doggy spa," Carson said. "Along with my puppy, Reese, and Hayden's mutt, Hershey."

While Carson said this, I was just thinking about my incredible decision to give my dog a name like Mr. Whipper Whopper, instead of a really cool candy name. Like, Double O Twizzler or Sugar Daddy.

"Sure," I said, unconvinced.

After going down a few staircases, we walked into a room and what I saw there annoyed and relieved me to no end.

"Dad?!" I exclaimed.

He looked up at me, and grinned, "Hey, kid. Want a Sugar Daddy?"

"Sure," I walked up to my dad, and grabbed the Sugar Daddy out of his hand. I licked it, and then stuck it on the side of his face.

"Guess I deserved that," he mumbled as he took the sticky candy off of his face.

"Yes, you did," I said. "Did you know we were going to be kidnapped?"

"No," he answered, honestly. "But they had food and a 50' flat screen! How could I resist?"

"Easy. You say no, and kick their butts with your years of Martial Arts, pops," I explained to the man who seemed to forget that he was a butt kicking nerd.

"I didn't really think about that, kid," he said sheepishly.

I nodded, and looked towards Carson who was standing there on his phone with a concentrated expression on his face. I forgot my previous question, and instead asked, "What are you doing?"

"Playing Clash of Clans. Duh," he muttered.

I opened my mouth to talk, but, instead, my jaw dropped and I blinked.


He grinned, "Cupcake!"

"Uh-oh," I heard Carson mutter, but decided to ignore him. What could there be an uh oh about?

"How have you been, cupcake?" He asked me.

I grinned back, and answered, "I've been good. Why are you here, Courage?"

I just then realized that if he was on the same plane as me, and got off at my same stop, then that must mean that he was coming to the same place.

"I feel stupid," I said, as I buried my face in my hands.

"You shouldn't, cupcake. You're very intelligent," he said, as he wrapped me into another hug.

I felt a tug on my arm, and was pulled out of Courage's embrace. I looked to Carson, pointedly, and asked, "Was there a reason for that?"

"Yes," he answered shortly.

"And what was it?" I asked.

"Hayden wouldn't like it," he said as he pulled me too hard when I heard the door swing open, and I tripped on the rug.

I don't understand how, but I ended up twisting around and falling into the embrace of Carson. When I fell into him, my lips crashed down on his and I immediately sensed that something was about go wrong. I already knew that this was a mistake, but now I felt that this could turn into something bigger than just a simple kiss.

When our lips popped off of each other, I looked at Carson. He looked pale, and worried. Woah, breathe dude.

When I looked towards the door, I saw him. There was Hayden, and he had a murderous expression on his face but he seemed like an angry calm. Double O Woah.

"Have fun?"

Hey, guys! So, I looked at my previous author's note and saw that the last time I updated was before Spring Break, or after, or during, depending on where you are. So, Vote and Comment. Sorry for the long wait, and short chapter, and keep being yourselves. Tell me your thoughts, so far. Love ya guys.


The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin