Chapter 17: What Goes Around, Comes Around

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After I finished my little impromptu tear fest, I sat up off of Hayden's chest and looked down at my hands as I bit my lip. Bad habits I tell you. I felt two fingers under my chin and they tilted my head up.

I looked into Hayden's eyes and I saw anger and sadness mostly. His mouth opened and closed a few times and he seemed at a loss for words. He just settled on closing his mouth and staring at me. I started to fidget, not feeling very ok after basically spewing my trauma out to Hayden. "Uhm, Hayde, can you stop?"

"Stop what?" He finally said something. He cocked his head to the side like Mr. WhipperWhopper does if he is confused or begging for my bacon.

"That," I said as he continued to stare. "Stop staring at me."

He blinked and grinned a little. "Why would I do that, Bambi? You're beautiful."

I blushed, a lot. I tried to hide my face and pull my hands away from his but he grabbed tighter and tilted my chin up again. "Stop trying to hide. You're beautiful, Lydia." I nodded weakly and he slowly let go of my hands.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked uncertainly. I was feeling pretty awkward and I had no idea what to say. Happens pretty often but then I break the annoying awkwardness with my amazingness.

Hayden opened his mouth to reply, but before he could get any words out the door slammed open and Carson and Courage walked in. Hey, both their names start with C!

"We have arrived! Hayden, what are you doing with my future wife? No fornication, young ones! Now, darling, come back to me, I beg of you!" Carson basically screamed while pointing an accusing finger at our conjoined hands and pouting at the same time.

I shook my head and laughed, grateful for the distraction, while Hayden rolled his eyes and let go of my hand.

"Hey, kid." Courage greeted and Hayden glared at him a bit. I punched Hayden on the arm and he winced and stopped glaring.

I grinned at Courage and ran over to him. "Hey, Courage! What's up? How have you been? Did you get any new tattoos, piercings? Can I see? You know what, never mind. C'mere," I rambled as I dragged him over to the couch. He was shaking his head
And chuckling silently as I dragged his probably 200+ pound frame over to the couch.

"Nah, kid. I didn't get any new tats or piercings. Nothing's up, getting stuff done, doing business. What's up with you, kid?" He asked as he ruffled my hair. I glared at him playfully and I heard Carson and Hayden talking behind us on the couch.

"I got a boyfriend." I said as I grinned showing my teeth. I honestly expected Courage's reaction. He just raised a single eyebrow, glanced over at Hayden and nodded.

"Good luck, kid. You're going to need it," he said as he ruffled my previously fixed hair again. I pursed my lips as I tried to cover my head with a pillow on the couch. Mission Protect The Hair has commenced.

"Why would I need luck when I got all this talent and good looks in one little body right here?" I asked teasingly as I motioned to me with my hands.

"Because relationships take work, kid. What goes around, comes around. If you don't put anything in, you won't get anything out." Courage said as I twirled my hair around my finger subconsciously. I saw as Courage's eyes filled with slight sadness and pain before anger was replaced and then his eyes were blocked off again.

"How do you know?" The words popped out of my mouth with no regards to whether I wanted to keep them in my head or out in the world. My eyes widened as Courage slightly glowered at me before shaking his head.

"'S nothing, kid. Don't worry about it," Courage told me and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked back over to where Hayden and Carson were standing.

As we walked over to them, it sounded like their conversation was just about finishing up. I heard 'That can't happen again' and 'He won't.' Then we walked over and Hayden looked at me with a clenched jaw and slightly hard eyes.

"You alright there, chaps?" I said jokingly in a very bad British accent. I remember watching House Of Anubis (SINUBA PEOPLE RAISE YOUR HAND) and I would always try to match Patricia's accent.

"Yeah, we're fine, Bambi," Hayden then glanced at Courage's arm still around my shoulder and he glared at Courage. I heard Courage huff beside me as Hayden snatched me out of his hold and into his warm chest. Aww, Hayden's Jealous. Again. I rolled my eyes as Hayden hugged me tight and turned back to Carson. "Don't worry about it. Babe, Im taking you home?" Babe.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, trying hard to keep the blush off of my cheeks. How many damn times is this boy going to make me blush? It's slightly annoying, I wish I had more control over my face's reactions.

"Alright. You guys coming, or you going back to the base?" Hayden asked them and I realized that I barely even knew what Hayden's 'gang', I guess, did. Sure, I was kidnapped. No, it was not enjoyable. Yes, I really missed my freaking bed. And no, I did not want to stay there any longer, but damn I learned more about Hayden in that short time than I did since I've known him. So, I rethought about my decision and I decided to not go home. I am determined to find more out about Hayden.

"I'm going back to the base," Carson answered and the two seemed to have a silent conversation. Damn their inside knowledge of things only they know about.

"If you see Tate, tell him to contact me. I need to talk to him," Hayden said to Carson and he nodded his head. I looked over to Courage and his brows were furrowed while he looked down at his phone.

"Eh, Boss, gotta go. I'm not going to the base. Got somethin' I need to take care of." He said then walked out of the door leisurely but still rushed. I watched him walk, looking slightly worried and less composed than he did any other regular day in the life of Courage. I looked over to Carson then and saw him grab his phone off the table and head out. Once we were alone, I turned around in Hayden's arms and looked up at him.

"I don't want to go home yet," I said to Hayden. He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised and I elaborated, "I want to learn more about you. I barely know anything, like I said and I want to know stuff, babe."

He hummed as we sat down on the couch again. I repositioned myself so that I was sitting next to Hayden but far enough so that I could swing my feet over his lap and lay my head on the armrest of the couch. "So, you don't want to go home and check on your dad anymore? I thought you said you were worried about him."

I scrunched up my nose and bit my nail as I thought about the situation with my dad. He had been acting suspicious lately and now I was even more worried about him now than I was before. He is always looking at his phone and shopping online. My dad never shops online. My dad doesn't even shop. "Tomorrow, then."

"Tomorrow, it is." Hayden replied and grinned at me. Hayden pushed my legs off of him and I grunted, not expecting the sudden movement. He stood u and offered me his hand and I rolled my eyes and got up on my own. I didn't need his help. "Let's get you home."

We walked out of the house together, connected by the elbows, and as we walked to the house nest to this one, I felt a sense of anticipation curl up in my stomach and my chest. I wanted to know what was making my dad so weird.

I opened the front door with my key and the first thing I heard was romantic, slow music. Wait, what? I walked further into the house, not sure what I was going to see but also totally sure it was what I thought. As we walked into the Kitchen, I heard giggling and laughing coming down the stairs. I turned around, curious but also slightly worried, and what met y eyes was expected, yet totally not.

There was my dad with his arms around a giggling, beautiful lady with deep black hair and while she was incoherently trying to talk through her seemingly uncontrollable giggles, my dad looked me in the eye and I saw one prominent emotion.


Yeah, so that happened! Thoughts, please? I really want to know what you guys think and what you are expecting, not expecting, etc. So, that was a shock, huh? No? Why not? Do you agree with Lydia that she barely knows anything about this cuddly, only bad when he needs to be bad boy? Tell me your thoughts, like and also, if you don't mind, check out my other story. Oh and @SocietiesOutcast and @Eat-my-shorts, thank you guys and anyone else who told me what they think and what they liked.


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