Chapter 9: You don't know me

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When my dad and I stepped into the house, something felt off. Like, almost eerie, sort of.

My dad put the keys in the bowl by the door and I headed to the kitchen, of course. "You want something, pops?"

I just received silence as my answer so I shrugged and went to make my beautiful cereal. I am pretty sure Froot Loops are one of the best cereals ever. There is no competition. At all. Do not disagree with me.

"Dad?" I called out, as I stepped into the empty living room where his coat was across the back of the couch and his shoes were messy. This might not cause much concern but my dad is a neat freak.

I furrowed my brows and walked into the hallway next to the kitchen to see if he went to the bathroom. The lights were out and the door was wide open, like it always is. I heard some shuffling sounds coming from the kitchen behind me and I opened the swinger door to see someone covered in black from head to toe and rummaging through my fridge.

I blanked for a second, then I realized that he was trying to steal my food. I calmly, and quietly, put my beloved Froot Loops on the counter farthest from him and approached him, or her, with Bucky The Bat who was fortunately right next to the door. I brought the bat up and then onto his ass just as he started to turn around. I started to beat the disgusting criminal with my bat while I listened to him let out quite, aggravated noises.

"You never try to steal my food," I started deathly calm, "I will end you."

He slowly uncovered his face and stood up while I was holding up the bat close to my chest. When I saw that the supposed burglar who was making more noise than a dump truck for a burglar was wearing a ski mask, I snorted.

"So, you make noise, try to steal my food, obviously do something to my dad, and then try to cover it with a quite clear, see through mask?" I questioned him. I froze, and tears almost sprang to my eyes.

"Dad," I whispered. "What the hell did you do to my dad?"

The guy just smirked under the irritatingly see through, but concealing, mask and it triggered something. I brought the bat up to swing again, but the guy caught it and stepped closer to me only for me to notice our height difference.

"Way to make me feel like a midget, you dick," I mumbled. "Just because for some reason you are freaking tall, does not mean that you get to make me feel like a fabulous garden gnome. Got that?"

The guy stepped closer and my breath hitched. He was getting to close for comfort.

"Carson, cut the shit, you fucker," I heard an annoyingly familiar voice mutter. "Sup, Bambi."

"Aw, that's adorable, Hayde. You guys have pet names," the guy cooed. (It's pronounced like Hade)

He took off his stupid ski mask and he was pretty attractive, but not as attractive as-- No. That is not happening. That is definitely not happening. Ever.

"Shut up, Car," Hayden mumbled. "Fuckin' idiot. I hate you."

"You love me, you dick."

I just used that, I thought, as I mentally raised my hand high in the air.

"I love my bike. I hate you," Hayden grumbled. I looked towards him because both seemed to have forgotten me. but I didn't miss the way Hayden pushed 'Carson' back when he saw how close he was. He was looking at Carson with warmth and happiness and his eyes weren't cold enough. What could happen to someone to make them cold all the time? I nodded, already making my decision.

I grabbed my bowl and went back to where they were. Apparently, Hayden did notice I was there because he wrapped his arm around my waist, possessively. I didn't really understand the grip on me, but it was . . . nice, I guess.

The Bad Boy Calls Me BambiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin