Goodbye My Friends (God is Good) (Original Song #8)

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I wrote this song while I was at summer camp last summer (Raccoon River Bible Camp). It's just a short song that if it were on an album would be like one of those 1-2 minute long outro things. I wrote it the last day but I never showed my camp friends it even though it was my goodbye to them after all the memories we had that week.

Goodbye my friends
It was really nice to meet you
I hope that I will see you again

Goodbye my friends
I'm glad I got to know you
I hope our paths will cross again

But if this is the last time
I see you face to face
I hope you always remember

God is good
He'll lead you through your life
If you truly believe
That God is good
He'll never let you go
He'll give you the strength that you need
God is good
And He let me get to know you
I'm thankful for the time that we had

Goodbye my friends
It was really nice to meet you
I hope that I will see you again

Goodbye my friends
I'm glad I got to know you
I hope our paths will cross again

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