Mirror Image

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This one is technically cheating... I didn't write it alone. My friend and I are a band and we call ourselves Kaylee. This was the very first song she and I wrote together. I attached a video we have on YouTube but this is the old version. We've been meaning to put a better version up but we never got it done...

It's kind of a funny story how we wrote this song. It started when she and I were trying to decide our band name an a friend suggested Mirror Images and we almost went with it. We decided not to, and we used the name as a song title instead. As we were thinking of what it was about, I asked my little sister for a song idea. She said something about lava and that gave us the idea for 'love hurts like fire'. We just continued it from there.

Anyway, the lyrics are already in the video but these are the lyrics: (they are changed slightly since we made the video)

Verse 1:
His bright blue eyes
Had you hypnotized
His words were burned
In the front of your mind

He says he forgot
You went through a lot
You thought that he cared
But his feelings weren't true

Love hurts like fire
Feels like you're falling
Keep it together
You'll be alright

Look in the mirror
See what you find
Look at the mirror image
And you'll be alright

Verse 2:
You hide away
You don't wanna stay
But keep your head up high
And pretend you can fly

Love hurts like fire
Feels like you're falling
Keep it together
You'll be alright

Look in the mirror
See what you find
Look at the mirror image
And you'll be alright

The pain goes away
You'll see better days
The fire flickers out
But you'll be okay

Love hurts like fire
Feels like you're falling
Keep it together
You'll be alright

Look in the mirror
See what you find
Look at the mirror image
And you'll be alright

Love hurts like fire
Feels like you're falling
Keep it together
You'll be alright

Look in the mirror
See what you find
Look at the mirror image
And you'll be alright

You'll be alright, oh woah
Look at the mirror image
And you'll be alright

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