Newsboys Concert

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My best friend's parents had two tickets to a Newsboys concert, but they were busy so last minute the tickets were given to her. She brought me with her and the concert was awesome!!!

Now, I've seen them live twice before at Winter Jam but this was my first specifically Newsboys concert. There were three opening acts. One of them was Audio Adrenaline and after the concert, I'm obsessed with them. I bought their newest cd (which comes out on May 4th but we were able to get it at the concert anyway). I got the cd autographed and got a picture with them. (The picture attached is the picture I got.)

Newsboys sang basically all of my favorite songs of theirs plus a few others and it was amazing! I got tons of pictures and videos that I'll be posting to facebook/instagram/Twitter.

Life has been stressful for me lately, (mostly because of school but there are quite a few other things going on) but getting a last minute surprise to see Newsboys live definitely made me feel less stressed. I needed some sort of a break and a concert was exactly what I needed.

Anyone else out there like Newsboys?

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