In my free time, I like to write original songs. I show them to friends sometimes but other than that, I never really get the chance to show them to anyone. I decided to make this to share my songs. Hope you enjoy!
If you're interested in collabo...
So any Directioners out there would know that One Direction filmed their Drag Me Down music video at NASA's Space Center Houston. Well a few weeks ago I happened to be a part of a NASA Space Settlement Design Competition. (My team also happened to win the competition by the way.). While I discovered during the trip that engineering really isn't my thing, my fangirl side had a blast! The participants of the competition were sent to Building 9 to work on our proposals. Building 9 is the place where NASA holds all their mockups for the space station, shuttle, and other things for the astronauts to train. I realized the instant that I saw several of the mockups in the room, that this was the building I was really hoping I'd see while I was there. I saw about 3/4 of the places that 1D filmed bits of their music video at. It was really cool because we were actually down with all the mockups (which I think there are occasional tours taken down there but we were there the entire day. Any tourist going through NASA actually didn't go into the building. There was this skywalk to one side that people walked through to see the area but they couldn't actually go through the building like I was able to all day). Also, if you happen to watch the Day 2 behind the scenes of the DMD video (linked right here because yay multi media feature!)
at the end of the video you can see the exact place where I and my team were working the whole time! (The part where Liam shows the alien in the rocket.). Photo proof here:
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(Notice the blue structure in the back and the steps on the right side)
I also saw many other things all in that one building that 1D used/touched/walked on/interacted with/looked at during the video.
(I may or may not add more photos here just to show my inner fangirl more in the future 😂😂)