I'm bored... So I'm going to just say a bunch of things I think about songs and music in general.
Afire Love by Ed Sheeran is literally the saddest song ever written.
When you really think about it, Love Will Remember by Selena Gomez could almost be about someone dying.
Louis's part at the end of Where Do Broken Hearts Go is the best part of the newest 1D album.
It's weird but awesome to hear Gold by Britt Nicole playing on mainstream radio stations.
My life was ruined the day I discovered that I share a birthday with the singer I hate the most.
It makes me angry when I say 'Christian music' and people automatically think that it means stereotypical worship music. There's just about as many genres of Christian music as there is secular music.

My Songbook (and other music related things)
ŞiirIn my free time, I like to write original songs. I show them to friends sometimes but other than that, I never really get the chance to show them to anyone. I decided to make this to share my songs. Hope you enjoy! If you're interested in collabo...