I have some big news to share with anyone who is still reading this songbook. I am releasing my very first album!!
Okay, let me rephrase that... I'm releasing my first EP, because it is only 4 songs.
Part of the reason it is so short is due to COVID-19 limiting my time spent in the recording studio, however instead of letting that stop me, I am releasing what I was able to make before the studio shut down.
My EP, titled "A Light in the Distance" (artist name Kylee Muyskens) is available for pre-order (in some countries) on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play right now, but it will officially be released on May 29, 2020 on most music streaming platforms.
The track listing is:
1. Keep Smiling
2. Loved You Once
3. My Song For You
4.Gonna Make It
You can pre-save the EP on Spotify using the attached link.
This is a big moment for me since it is my first official release, and I want to quickly thank anybody who has ever read my songbook or given me any encouraging words that kept me going on the songwriting path. I've finally reach the point of releasing real music and it is terrifying and exciting, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store.

My Songbook (and other music related things)
PoesiaIn my free time, I like to write original songs. I show them to friends sometimes but other than that, I never really get the chance to show them to anyone. I decided to make this to share my songs. Hope you enjoy! If you're interested in collabo...