Hidden in the Stars (Original Song #25)

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It's been a really long time since I've updated this book.  I've been having a lot of trouble writing songs over the past several months.  It's been like every time I thought I had a good idea going, it turned into crap and I gave up.  It's been a rough period of time in my life because of transitioning to college and a few other reasons, and the fact that I couldn't write music seemed to make it that much worse.  Music is my escape and I deal with difficult situations by writing songs.  The reason I bring this up is because this song is loosely inspired by the way I've been struggling lately.  I've had the chorus written since back in October but I finally made something out of it over the past two days.  This song, while I kept it pretty vague, describes how I feel like I've stopped trusting God lately.  Of course, I never stopped trusting Him fully, but I've been feeling completely lost from where I'm supposed to be and I'm working to find my way back.

This song is a little rough right now and I will probably edit the lyrics to make them work better later on, but I'm just excited to share something new after having songwriter's block for so dang long.

Things happen for a reason, I know
It's all part of Your plan, I know
But sometimes I can't face these struggles
I just want an escape

Pre chorus:
It's been a long few months
And I know that I've pushed You away
I just want to come back to You
But how do I get back to you

When You're hidden in the stars
And I can't find You
I know You're calling out
But I can't hear what You're saying
And I try to be strong
But I'm lost out on my own
How do I go on?
I don't know

I don't know

I've faced these days alone
And I'm losing the war within myself, I know
You were always there, You were walking with me
But I ignored every step

Pre chorus:
It's been a long few months
And I know that I've pushed You away
I just want to come back to You
But how do I get back to you

When You're hidden in the stars
And I can't find You
I know You're calling out
But I can't hear what You're saying
And I try to be strong
But I'm lost out on my own
How do I go on?
I don't know

I don't know

This time I'm ready to let myself
Fall into Your arms again
And when You send these trials and this pain
Help me know You're there

Help me know You're there

When You're hidden in the stars
Please help me find You
And when You're calling out
Help me know just what You're saying
And when I can't be strong
Lord please be my strength
Help me to go on
This I pray

This I pray
This I pray
This I pray

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