I Need You (Original Song #2)

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I wrote this song last summer after discovering something that happened to one of my friends when they were younger. She was the original inspiration for this song and I just kind of created the rest of it around her story.

Verse 1:
She's got a past she can't escape
Memories come back each day
She thought that time would
Make them fade away

But the years have come and gone
And now everything seems wrong
She feels like nobody
Could love her

And my heart, it breaks to know she's hurting
My heart, it breaks to know she's hurting

She's at a loss for words
She calls out to you saying
"Lord, I need you."

She can't escape the pain
It's more than she can take
She's crying
"Lord, I need you,
I need you."

Verse 2:
Now she's listening to this song
I hope she sings along
'Cause I don't want her to
Feel this anymore

But I can't give release
A savior's what she needs
That's what I want her
To remember

And my heart, it breaks to know she's hurting
Oh, my heart, it breaks to know she's hurting

She's at a loss for words
She calls out to you saying
"Lord, I need you."

She can't escape the pain
It's more than she can take
She's crying
"Lord, I need you."

We all feel pain at times
I know that I've felt mine
But when I need you most
I know you'll never let me go

I'm at a loss for words
I don't know what to do
I cry out
"Lord, I need you."

This is a broken world
Everyone is hurt sometimes
"Lord, I need you."

I'm at a loss for words
There's nothing left to do
But cry out
"Lord, I need you."

In this broken world
Our only hope is you
I'm crying
"Lord, I need you.
We need you."

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