Meeting You

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A/N: This is my first cake fanfiction so go light on me. I hope you enjoy the first part of this story! The updates will be short and fast unless you guys prefer longer chapters with slower updates. Let me know in the comments. Thanks!

I yawned as I placed a pen in my textbook as a bookmark and checked my phone. I groaned realizing how much time had past. My friend, Ash, had blown my phone with notifications. I looked around to see half the room was dark. There was a dark haired boy with his head resting on his arm next to mine with opened books sprawled around him. A woman from behind the desk walked over to him cautiously. She removed her glasses and pushed it on top of her head before looking over to me.

"He's been studying and sleeping in the library until closing hours for weeks now. I feel horrible waking this poor kid up. Summer shouldn't be like this for anyone," she said half-defeated, resting her hand on his shoulder and shaking him.

I let out a small laugh in agreement and collected my books in my arms. "I'll wake him up."

She glanced at me in surprise, "Will you? The library officially closes in five minutes. His name is Luke by the way."

I nodded at her and headed towards the boy, his head dropping from his arm to the table. I bent down besides him and shook his shoulders whispering his name. "Luke, wake up! Luke, Luke. God damn it, Luke. Luke!" I whispered louder.

Now I knew why the lady at the desk didn't want to wake him every night. I pounded on the desk nonchalantly and when that didn't work, I slammed my notebook. Luke's tongue ran over his lips that were now glossy, hitting his lip ring. He let out a soft hum as he continued sleeping. He was still cute even when his hair was a mess.

"Are you kidding me," I murmured to myself. I checked to see if the lady behind the desk was looking before I lightly slapped Luke on the cheek. After a few seconds, I slapped him harder before his eyes cracked opened. I sighed in relief as his hand flew to his cheek, rubbing it.

"Sorry man. You wouldn't wake up," I said.

"No, I completely understand. I can and will sleep through anything. Where's the lady that usually wakes me up?" he said, standing up and stretching.

"She's behind the desk. I volunteered to wake you up, but that was before I realized it was more work than I bargained for," I smiled at him, my eyes trailing his blue eyes and blond hair.

He laughed. "Well, my excuse is that I'm preparing for college. What's yours?"

"Same here. I can't risk being kicked off my soccer team."

"You play soccer? So do I."

"Cool, you any good?"

"I guess I am. I'm getting a scholarship in college just as long as I'm a player on their team."

"Wow, that's amazing. What's the point of studying?" I said, jokingly.

"Normally I wouldn't bother studying, but I don't want to make it seem like I have it the easy way out you know especially since I'm a transfer this year," Luke said fixing his hair.

"Yeah, I know. I was in that position freshman year of college." I said. "Hey it was nice talking to you, but I've gotta go. Catch you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm Luke. I forgot to ask you your name."

"Calum," I called out as I disappeared out the door. I smiled to myself. God, he was cute.

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