Miss Me

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A/N: OMG 1.3K views. THAT IS INSANE! I love all of you so much. Thank you all for reading and voting. <3333
I just finished a lot of my school work so I should be updating at faster times now. Hope you guys have a great week and enjoy this chapter! Love you guys lots!

P.S. I started a new six word story called "Empty Frames" I will be updating that story once a day!! So yeah, check that one out if you are tired of me not updating this one regularly.

Luke's POV

We hadn't seen each other all week. Even texting Calum was getting more and more difficult. When I had no class, Calum had a class and vice versa. We tried to talk to each other at night, but we always had too much work to do and not enough time to discuss our lives. It sucked having a boyfriend in a different school and on rival soccer teams. I didn't want to tell Coach Crowley about him. What if Coach didn't want me dating Calum? That would be the worst case scenario, but definitely possible.

I rubbed the thoughts out of my head. The last thing I needed was to have this boy in my head while practicing for the game. Last one I thought to myself. My earphones had fallen off my ear, but I didn't bother to put them back in. My legs burned as I forced myself to run around the seemingly endless track. My breaths came out as weak and haggard. I convinced myself to go faster, breaking my record. As I finished my lap, I collapsed on the ground, feeling my heart pounding against my chest. My throat was dry and hair clung onto my forehead, sticky with sweat. I licked my lips, feeling the rough chapped skin against my tongue and the line of sweat that formed on my upper lip. The shirt I was wearing reeked of sweat and stuck uncomfortably on my thigh. I grabbed my water bottle and chugged it, thirsty for the cooling liquid to pass though my lips and down my throat.

I headed back to my apartment, taking the time to slowly admire the view of my neighborhood. It was beautiful. I couldn't help but to chuckle at my situation. It was so odd how fast these past few days when by. It seemed like only yesterday that I tried to forget Calum completely. We had come so far.

My phone beeped as an email came through.

I hope you boys are practicing. I want you all to push yourself. Practice is tomorrow at 3; don't be late. The competition is in four months. Practice.
- Coach

I sighed as I put my phone away and headed up the stairs. When I got up to my flat, I took the time to leave food on Bruce's tray. He was still napping on his new bed I got him, which he hardly ever got out of. I wouldn't blame him though.
I quickly took off my damp clothes and moved to the shower. It felt good to have water wash away the soap I lathered on myself.
A knock on the door interrupted my shower early. I wiped off the water from my hair and wrapped a robe around me, letting the material soak up the moisture.

When I opened the door, I saw Calum standing in the doorway, holding a white bag.

"Ta-da, I brought food," he said happily.

"I thought you had class," I said, surprised. I took the bag from him and ushered him in.

"Yeah, but he let us out early and I figured you probably didn't have lunch yet."

I set the bag on the wooden table in the kitchen and began taking out its contents. "You know me so well."

"I brought your favorite," Calum said, peering over my shoulder. "You smell good."

"Thanks, I just took a shower."

"I can see," he said, winking at me.

"Stop it," I giggling like a child. My mouth watered as I opened the white box of food that contained Lo-Mein. "Yes, I was craving this."

Bruce must have smelled the food because he came running towards us. "Now, you wake up? You can't have human food Bruce." I said, pushing it away from him. Bruce had attempted to jump on the table, but landed on my lap instead.

Calum picked up Bruce and gave him a kiss. "I missed you so much. Yes I did." He tickled Bruce's ear before he reached over next to him and grabbed the other box filled with chicken and rice.

"Go eat your lunch Bruce," I said, pushing Bruce towards his bowl.
Once I saw Bruce eating, I finally began with my noodles, using the wooden chopsticks like a pro. We talked about our favorite shows and I found out he had a similar fascination with sci-fi. We both adored Doctor Who; however, I preferred the 11th doctor and he preferred the 9th doctor.

"Speaking of favorites, remember when we met and you asked about the All Time Low concert tickets I had?" I asked, setting down my chopsticks. I got up to get something from the coffee table.

It took him several seconds to remember what I was talking about. "Oh yeah, it that offer still available?"

I took out a folded piece of paper from in-between notebooks and unfolded so he could see it was a concert ticket. "I'm glad you still wanted to go."

He stopped dead and looked at me with a look of with I can only describe as insane happiness and excitement. "No way. No freaking way. Is this real?" He held the ticket in his hand as he examined the print.

"It's legit. That's my free ticket I had. You can take it if you want."

"Really, Luke? Oh my god, I can't believe this. This concert is in two weeks." I shouted.

"I know. I almost forgot you were a fan of them and it would be a crime to let this ticket go to waste!"

"How much do I owe you?" he asked.

"Oh no, you can have the ticket for free. I don't need anything really."

He pondered a thought, bitting his lip. "How about food after the concert? I'll pay for that."

Nothing I could say could change his mind so I agreed. He leaned over to give me a bone crushing hug and a long kiss on the lips. "I love you."

"I know."

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