Calum, I Like You

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A/N: Very frequent updates at unholy hours. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter that I wrote at 2 in the morning. Thanks guys!

It was like this for weeks; getting to the library early just to meet up with Luke. It seemed like time past faster when I was with Luke. He was so interesting with his different views on life. He saw the world differently than I did, but I didn't mind that he was so different from me. As the days past, I realized I had devolped more than just a friendship with him. I didn't know if he had felt the same way I did, but I was perfectly comtent with having him as a friend, for now.

I had made up excuses to come to the library everyday because it was all that I had to look foward to. I pretended to do homework when all I wanted to do was study his face just a little bit more. I enjoyed learning more about his personal life everyday. We talked about friends, family, and his dog, Bruce. He loved his dog more than his friends. Luke's friends, Mikey and Meg, both sounded amazing. I felt like I had knew them personally since Luke was always telling me stories about their adventures around the city. I talked about my friends, Ashton and Dean, but mostly about my childhood. I knew he enjoyed my company too. Sometimes, I would catch him staring at me and we would share moments of flirty smiling and blushing as we resumed our work. Who knew homework would be so sexy.

Today was differnt though. He came in earlier than usual without any books on him. He only had earphones on him and sat down besides me, twisting the cord around his finger. He watched as I flipped through pages on my textbook. Everytime I looked up at him, he gave me smirks, but said nothing.

"Why don't you have any books? I know for sure you didn't finish all your homework," I finally said, avoiding his eyes.

"Hear, listen to this," Luke said, simply plugging his earphones in and handing them to me. "Nod when you're ready."

I was confused and put the ear pieces in. After a few seconds, I nodded.

Luke pressed play on his phone and his voice filled my ears. His voice was steady, but he sounded nervous. "Hey Calum. I recordered this because I knew I wouldn't be able to tell you this in person. I like you and before you say anything, I know. I know you've been coming to the library everyday just to see me and I don't mind one bit. As I got to know you, I began to fall for you. I know we've only known each other for three weeks, but it feels like so much longer. Your name is so familiar to me. It's the first thing I think of before I go to bed and the first thing I think of when I wake up. Yeah, I agree, super corny. This might be crazy, hell I might be a bit crazy for saying this, but I want you to know that I trust this. There isn't much time until I have to leave for college so let's be young and reckless together. Calum Hood, I like you. Is that alright?" The recording ended.

My hand was to my mouth. I hadn't expected any of this to happen to me during the summer. I only made plans to bringe watch shows on Netflix and eat junk food all day. To have met Luke, was more than I could have ever asked for.

"Say something Calum," Luke said impatiently.

I took out the ear pieces and laid them on the table before looking up at him. My voice trembled as I spoke, "Sorry, I don't know what to say. I like you too Luke and I felt like this since the first week I met you. You're so freaking beautiful and funny and smart and I don't know what to say. I'm bad with words, but you already know that. This has been the best summer and I wouldn't be anywhere but here right now. I want to explore places with you, that's how special you are. You are really something special Luke."

He sighed in relief. "I prepared this speech last week, but I couldn't figure out the right time to say it so I figured I would record myself. I mean, I cut out some parts because they were cringe-worthyingly cheesy. Cheese-er than a cheesy pizza."

I laughed, "I would love to hear the rest some times. It's not everyday a guy confesses his love towards me through a voice recording."

Luke smiled at me, his blue eyes glistening. He leaned in for a kiss and I responded. Our lips connected immediately and we moved out lips against each other's. His eyes slid down my back as my lips partly slightly and his tongue entered. He pushed our bodies closer as our kisses grew more desperate. My hands drifted up to cup his face before our lips disconnected. I gasped at the intensity of his eyes.

"Wow," Luke breathed. His fingers managed to reach my hair.

I hadn't realized how long I had been holding my breath. I nodded, letting out a out-of-breath laugh.

"I've never made out in a library before," Luke said, fixing my hair.

"Neither have I, but there's a first for everything isn't there."

"There sure is."



"Is this what we're doing now? Making out in the back table of the library?" Luke joked, his eyes trailing down to my lips.

"I guess so. I mean the kiss was great. I wouldn't mind," I said, biting my lip.

Luke made a sound in agreement. "You should come over to my place sometime. I mean, Bruce would love to meet you," he said, after a while.

I was stunned by the question. "Yeah, I would love to. Bruce sounds lovely," I said, recovering quickly.

"Sounds like a plan," Luke said.

Sounds like a date I thought. "Sounds like a plan," I repeated.

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