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A/N: HI!!! This is for my muke fans. You guys will be seeing more of Mikey and Ashton soon so don't worry. I'm working out the storyline right now so just give me some time. I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good day :)

Luke looked to where I was pointing and shuffled his feet nervously. "He's Michael, but the gang calls him Mikey. He's also uh... my ex."

"Oh, I thought he was...nevermind" I said. "How long?"

"We were friends for about five years and we dated for two. We broke up mutually a little more than half a year ago. We are still friends, but yeah."

"Do you still love him?" I asked.

"I do, but not in that way. We didn't work out and it's completely fine. We are still good friends and he's still someone I can trust with my life."

"That's good," I said, looking down at my feet with my hands on my pocket. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No, its fine. We are in good terms now. We had a good run, but we both knew it wasn't going to work out. We were stupid and stubborn, but we've moved on," Luke said, observing me as if he was looking for a response on my face.

"Why do you still have him on your desk?" I asked.

Luke rubbed the back of his neck before responding, "Honestly, I have no idea. It just reminds me of the good times you know? It doesn't mean anything I swear. " He walked up to his desk and put the frame facing down. "See?"

I nodded, but I didn't completely believe him. Who the hell would have a picture of their ex on their desk if they weren't still caught up in feelings? It didn't make any sense to me. For the first time since I met him, I didn't trust him.

"Wanna catch a movie? I've got Forest Gump which I know is your favorite," Luke said, after taking a deep breath.

"Yeah sure," I said, hesitating. There was a sudden lose of connection and there wasn't an obvious reason for it. I wanted to believe Luke and I knew he was a good person, but I couldn't help but to think Luke was using me.

As Luke popped the DVD into his television, I glanced back at the photo frame. I bugged me that it was still there. Yes, we weren't dating and there was no reason for me to be jealous, but damn was I jealous. I wondered how much time Luke had spent dating Mikey. How long did Luke love him? Did Mikey still love him? Do I have a chance with Luke? How far did they go sexually?

Luke sat back down next to me on the sofa. I had my eyes peeled on the screen trying to pay attention to the movie, but Luke was such a distraction. Luke was so close to me, his arms were over me by the second half of the movie, but I still felt so distant from him. What the hell is wrong with me?

Hours must have past because when I had woken up, the movie had long ended and Luke had his face buried in my neck fast asleep. My eyes traced the curve of his face. My lips neared his forehead, but stopped myself.

I hadn't even realized when how late it had became until I pulled out my phone. My stomach rumbled in protest and I tried to escape Luke's hold on me. He stirred as I leaned his head from my chest to the sofa.

"What time is it?" Luke said, yawning and stretching.

"It's 8," I said, tucking my phone back in my jean pocket. I stood up and grabbed my sweater that was hanging off the sofa.

"Do you want to stay for dinner? We can order pizza and the delivery is fast," Luke said, switching off his television.

I wanted to stay. I looked down at my hands that were now tightly gripping onto the jacket. "If I stay for dinner, I'll wouldn't want to leave. I'll get going now. Bye Luke," I said honestly. I left his house, leaving Luke tired and confused.

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