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A/N: 1.7K!!?? I love you all so much!! Thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on this story! <3 Enjoy this chapter! <3 I hope you guys have an amazing week!!

Luke's POV

I stood by the gate with my arms wrapped around me, trying to block the wind that sent goosebumps up my arm. Thousands of teenagers poured out from the stage area and into the merch tables while some pushed endlessly towards the exit. There was a smile on my face that couldn't be wiped away. I spotted Calum waving wildly as he approached me. I laughed and ran up to hug him.

"How was it?" Calum screamed, trying to overthrow the shrieks of young girls.

"It was fucking awesome. I could have done without getting kicked so many times, but other than that, it was awesome. All Time Low have such a presence on stage. They are gods," I shouted back at him. I didn't know why I was jumping, but it seemed fitting.

"I agree. I was so close to catching a pick, but the girl next to me almost killed me to get it. I can't believe they played 'Missing You.' I cried during that song not gonna lie," Calum said.

"I did too. It sucks that we lost each other during the concert, but I'm glad we had fun," I said, sliding my hand on his waist.

He pulled me in and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you."

"Rightfully so."


We had gotten undressed and under the covers. Calum's hands trailed upwards, climbing upwards in delicate steps before coming to a rest on my cheeks. His thumb brushed my lips, staining my cheeks with a light red. Our bodies lurched forwards and our lips connected quickly in synchrony. My hands were on his bare chest, feeling his toned abs that fueled my lust. We would let out lighthearted giggles and moans that filled the room. Calum turned me over, pinning me to the bed with deep breaths. His hips grinded messily against mine and his lips found my collarbones, leaving soft pink spots.

He reached over to his drawer, and grabbed a bottle of lube. He flipped open the cap and wasted no time slipping two fingers in and coating them. He paused and I let a moan and a breathless nod before he slid one finger in me. I gasped and a string of curses fell from my lips, stopping to let out loud moans when Calum built up the pace. I sighed in pleasure as I arched my body, allowing him to add another finger in me. I grabbed his face and kissed him, desperate for more than just fingers.

"Please," I mumbled, shivers going down my back.

Calum kissed my neck, his hot breath warming up my body. I flipped around, hearing Calum reaching for the tube and a condom once again to cover his dick with the liquid. He lined himself up with my entrance. His hands were placed my hips and he pushed into me. I grabbed Calum and pushed him deeper in me, until his length was completely inside me. I shuddered, looking at him through my eyelashes. Calum pulled out almost all the way before he slammed back in, earning him a series of moans and fast choked breaths. My toes curled up in the sheets and my hands slid down Calum's thighs. He threw his head back as he repeated the motions, each time harder and faster. The bed creaked underneath us, but Calum continued thrusting into me with such rigor, finding my spot in the process.

"Yes. Right there. Faster," I shouted at him, my nails digging into Calum's skin.

Calum slammed on my spot and he shuddered as well. I came first releasing onto Calum's stomach and chest. Calum following shortly behind in bliss, both of us seeing hot flashes of white. He slowed down completely before pulling out, taking off the condom and tossing it in the trash. He laid besides me and gave me a wet sloppy kiss on my shoulder, but I didn't mind. I turned my head to face him and he followed. We stayed like that for a while, admiring each other's face.

"Can you still feel the butterflies?" I asked.

Calum smiled, softly and nodded. "Always."

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