College Life

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A/N: This is the five month time jump. College has already started. As a reminder: Calum and Luke both play soccer for their college teams. Please enjoy!!
P.S. THIS IS IN LUKE'S POV! I just really like writing his side, sorry not sorry.
P.P.S. I know I'm writing about college soccer, but I don't think you guys want to be reading about all 13 matches so I'm cutting it short and writing about one game. Also, the information about soccer in this story is obviously incorrect. Real college soccer is much more complicated and difficult.

"Okay, listen boys, we've been practicing for this moment since your first year at college. Today, we are going to meet your rivals from York. I don't want to hear complaining from their coach about misbehavior, understood?" Coach Crowley said, hovering over us.

We all nodded our heads. As cool as our coach could be, he played the part of King of Hell well.

"Alright, that's it for now. Be in the fields by 3:00 sharp. I don't care what the hell your excuse is," Coach said, eyeing those who were infamous for always be late to practice. "Enjoy the rest of your day," he said, giving us all an encouraging slap in the back.

As we broke the circle and headed towards the door, the Coach Crowley shouted to us, "And if you're late, consider yourself out of the team!"

Some of us groaned and I snickered. The coach always threatened us with being kicked out of team, but he loved us too much to let us go. Still, this was the last game we had until we left college, well for some of us, there were some three-years on the team. We had never won championship before, but this year was going to be different. We were going to beat the hell out of York. This year was my last and I was going to give it my all. I couldn't leave any regrets behind me, I already had too many.

I went about the rest of my day. At the end of day, Mikey pulled me out of class and we headed off to the soccer field and waited for the rest of the members. We were sitting on a patch of grass until Coach Crowely came out and screamed at us to play a game instead of sitting on our asses.

We played for an hour or so until we noticed boys in matching shirts start to crowd our field. We stopped what we were doing. The sun blinded me as I squinted, scanned the crowd of boys. They were all incredibly attractive and tall. I couldn't help but to smile. Soccer just got more interesting. My eyes stopped on the only dark haired boy that was partly covered behind some of his team. As the dark haired boy made his way to a clear spot on the field directly across me, I froze. "Calum," I whispered.

It was almost as if everything was in slow-motion. I watched as Calum lifted his head and his eyes fixed on me. Our eyes both widened in suprise. I had tried so hard to forget about him during the summer and I couldn't believe we were face to face again. I wasn't sure if I was surprised in a good way or a bad way. One thing I knew was he wasn't happy to see me. His shocked expression changed quickly into a scowl. He looked down at the ground. After all those months, he still couldn't forgive me for something I didn't think should be such a big deal.

Although we only had a summer fling, I felt like it was something more and it hurt me that he was angry at me. Our coaches came us and introduce us all while giving a pep talk about the competition, but all I could do was look at Calum.

"Who are you looking at?" Mikey said, nudging me.

I lturned to look at the coaches before answering in a croaked whisper, "Calum."

He immediately did a once-over at Calum, his eyes lingering at Calum's ass. I slaped him on the arm quickly. "Stop it," I said.

"He's cute," Mikey said, his mouth curling into a smile.

"You were staring at his ass, not his face," I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Same thing," Mikey said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes. Calum was concentrated on the coaches. My heart ached at the thought of Calum fogetting about me. I had hoped our time together had meant so much more to him. I need to talk to him and say the things I wanted to say before he left.

"I'm not going to force you guys to shake hands, but I want all of you to make an effort to be friendly to one another," Coach Crowley said, his eyes on our side. Behind him, Coach Singer nodded his head in agreement. Crowley stepped aside to let Singer speak.

"Alright. As we all know, we will be playing against each other. I'm sure you have all praticed a lot off-season and I hope to have a good game by the end of the season," Singer said, in a stern voice.

"Yes, thank you. That will be all for now guys. Get home and I want you all to be praticing," Crowley said, pulling on his whistle that was attached on string around his neck.

Singer gathered his team and headed for the exit. I watched as Calum left the field without giving me a glance.

"Hey man, it'll be okay," Mikey said, getting serious once he saw my reaction.

I mumbled yeah and bite my lip to hold back the tears. Mikey rested his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. "You coming in?" he said.

"Yeah," I said, finally turning away from Calum.

Maybe I should have waited a little longer because I missed it when Calum had finally given in and turned to look at me. I didn't see the look of disappointment he gave me when he saw Mikey's arm over me. I hadn't realized it was then that Calum swore to never give me another chance ever again.

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