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A/N: Hey guys! Back with another update. I hope you guys are doing well. Enjoy this chapter!

Luke's POV

In one day I had managed to lose two of my closest friends. How did I let things get so bad? I had no idea Mikey still had feelings for me and I felt like such a fool. I had to do some damage control and quick.

My phone rang besides me and I picked up knowing exactly who it was it. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's me. Are you ready to talk?"

"Yeah," I said, sighing.

"Can I come over or should we meet up?"

"Come over," I said, looking at the clock on my wall.

"Alright. I'll be there in five minutes," he said.

I hung up and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. I still wasn't sure what I should say to him. After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock on my door and I ran down.

Before opening the door, I smoothed down my shirt and hair.

"Hey," Calum said, stepping in slowly. I closed the door behind him politely.

"Hi." I said, walking him to the sofa and taking a seat next to him.

"About yesterday... I know I was in the wrong. I don't want us to end," he pleaded with me.

"I don't either. What we have is so special and I can't exist without you."

"Then what's the problem?" Calum said, inching closer to me.

"I don't know. What if it's the same cycle over and over again? You get jealous, we fight, we break up, we make up, over and over again. I don't this to be our life," I said, my hand running through my hair nervously.

"It won't be. I was being stupid and selfish. I know there is nothing I should be worried about between you and Michael," Calum said, giving me a kind smile.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." Now would have been the time to tell Calum the truth, but I didn't want to drive a deeper wedge him and Mikey.

"Perfect. We're good right?" Calum asked.

"We're good," I said, without hesitation. He leaned over to give me a kiss, but the only thing on my mind was Mikey.


"Mikey, please pick up your phone. This is the fourth voicemail I left and you know I don't do voicemails. Talk to me Mikey or at least respond to my damn texts," I said through my phone.

Mikey had been MIA for two days now and I was worried. My phone vibrated and in came a text from Mikey.

Mikey: what do we still need to talk about

Luke: Can we just please talk? I hate fighting with you.

Mikey: we r not fighting

Luke: Then why are you ignoring me?

Mikey: i just need time

Luke: Time for what? We need to clear the air between us.

Mikey: i know

Luke: Can we meet up somewhere? Today?

Mikey: did you and calum make up

Luke: Can we discuss that when we meet up?

Mikey: yes or no

Luke: Yes.

Mikey: fuck u luke fuck u

Luke: Mikey please. This is why I didn't want to tell you through text.

Luke: Ignoring me isn't going to solve any problems.

Luke: I'm seriously going to text you until you respond.

Luke: Mikeyyyyyyy. Answer. Now.

Luke: Are you really going to do this?

Luke: I'm not going to stop.

Luke: Forreal. Michael Clifford. Please answer me.

Mikey: mcdonalds 59th st. 20 mins

Luke: See you there.

I got to McDonalds five minutes before Mikey did. I sat down at a two- person table near the door and soon enough,  Michael  slumped down to the seat in front of me. "Speak." He had his arms crossed defensively and a stern look on his face.

"Well, I want to talk about what you said," I said slowly.

"What about it?" Mikey asked.

"You are being really difficult," I sighed.

"I'm not trying to be," Mikey said, as if the answer was obvious.

"I don't want that to ruin our friendship. I've missed you," I said, trying to maintain eye contact.

"It's only been two days."

"And you haven't missed me?" I asked, frowning.

"You know the answer to that," Mikey said.

"Fair enough."

"Did you tell Calum about what I said?"

"No, not yet. I couldn't bring myself to say anything yet. He already thinks there's something go on between us."

Mikey laughed. "Smart kid. That guy already hates me."

"No he doesn't. Calum thinks you are a very good friend."

"This is going to blow up in your face. You know that right?" Mickey said.

"Eventually, yes. But for now, I can live with my decisions. Are we good?" I asked, with my brow raised. 

"Whatever. I'm hungry."

"Me too. How do you feel about a Big Mac and large fries?" I asked, looking at the menu above the cashiers.

"I'm all in."

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