Forgive Me

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A/N: I hope you guys are having a good day! This chapter is in Luke's point of view. Thanks for sticking with me guys. I really appreciate it. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! :)

Calum: I'm sorry Luke. We need to talk

Luke: Can we meet up somewhere?
I impatiently waited twenty minutes for his response.

Calum: Yeah. At the cafe down on 5th.

Luke: Okay see you there.
I got up and left my apartment in a hurry. The cafe was only half full and I quickly scanned the room for signs of Calum, but didn't see him. I sat down on front side of a two-person table near the door. After, ten minutes, I got up to order a latte. After twenty minutes, I wondered if Calum had decided not to come. I checked my phone and tapped my shoe to the soft music that was playing. I heard the door open and close as the cool fall breeze drifted towards me. I looked to my right and saw Calum slowly approaching my table. I felt the need to get up and sit Calum down, but this wasn't a date.

"Do you want coffee?" I asked, stuttering.

Calum shook his head, sitting across from me. "No, I won't be here long."

"Oh, okay," I said, failing to mask the disappointment in my voice.

Calum ran his fingers through his hair. His hair was unique. It was shiny and so dark. I tried focusing on the sound of the music, but I could so literally hear my heart beating. For some reason, I felt it was the perfect time to laugh from the awkwardness and the irony of it all.

"What's funny?" Calum said, wrinkles from his frown on his forehead. He must have though I wasn't taking this very seriously, but if he had known.

"Nothing. It's just crazy seeing you in front of me. I didn't think you wanted to see or talk to me ever again."

"You're right, I really don't. I'm here to move on."

"From me?"

"Yeah. From you."

There was a long silence between us. I rubbed my hands against the mug, just so I could feel something, so that I wouldn't go crazy.

"What did you want to say to me on the phone before?" Calum asked.

"A lot of things, but mostly I just wanted to keep you on the phone for a little longer."

"Like what?"

I gulped, before speaking. Calum had never looked so cold and dead in the eyes before. He was like a completely different person, he wasn't the person that I fell for. And I hated that I could have made him that way. "Like an explanation."

"Are you going to tell me the truth, Luke?" Calum said, looking away from me while he spoke.

I was relieved to hear Calum say my name again, but this time, it felt different. "Everything I said to you, since the day I met you, is the truth. I wasn't lying when I said Mikey is just a friend. Even now, nothing has changed. Just you."

"Just me? Wow," Calum huffed in frustration. "I'm giving you a chance to tell me the truth. That's all I'm asking for. Whatever it is, I can take it. I just....I just need some closure if I'm going to face you for the rest of this year."

"The truth is Calum is that I liked you. No, I mean I like you. I still do. Even after those months, my feelings are the same for you. Don't you get that? I was never lying to you about anything. I just want one more chance with you."

Calum was stumped. Maybe it was because he realized I was telling the truth or maybe he was trying to fight it. Whatever it was, I was going to fight for him.

"Please Calum. I know you know I'm telling the truth. Don't fight it anymore. What are you scared of?" I asked softly. I reached my hand over to his.

Calum pulled away. "I'm scared of getting hurt Luke. I'm scared of losing you even though I never had you. I'm scared of wasting my time on someone who doesn't care about me as much as I do. I'm scared that I want this so much. I hate that when I saw you and Michael earlier at pratice, I was still jealous and hurt. Is that good enough?" There was so much pain in his eyes. When he blinked, tears fell from his eyes.

I wanted to be the one who kept from him crying, but here I was making the one person I loved cry. "Mikey and I were always this affectionate. We ended on good terms so we never felt the need to set boundaries with each other, but I'll talk to him about it. He knows about you, about us, and he doesn't have a problem with it. Mikey is a friend, a good friend. There isn't a reason to feel jealous. I would never intentionaly hurt you Calum. I care too much about you. I respect you too much to waste your time. If I didn't think this could work out, I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now pratically begging for you to give me one more shot."

"I want to. I really do, but I'm scared."

"I'm here and I'll always be here if you need me. Whatever happens to us, I want you to remember that."

Calum wiped away the last tear that fell and nodded. "I think I'm going to need that coffee." He let out a small laugh or a sigh of relief, I couldn't tell.

I smiled and a weight lifted off of my chest. I got up and returned to him with a large cappuccino.

"Thanks," Calum said, finally smiling. It was the only smile I wanted to see for the rest of my life.

And then we caught each other up with everything. We talked about our schools, gossiped about people, and laughed about movies. It was exactly how it was when we left off. Things had finally turned for the best and I wanted it to stay like that forever.

A/N: I finally resolved the problem! I felt like I was dragging it for too long.

I'm thinking of starting another fanfic, but the new one is going to have much shorter chapters. I'm not sure if I want to go through with it because I want to stay commited to this fanfic.

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