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A/N: School is making me go mad so sorry if this chapter sucks. I feel like I'm dragging this fanfic on wayyyy too long so this might end soon :(

Calum's POV

Even though I had made up with Luke, it didn't mean I had to be cool with Michael. Every time I came over to Luke's, Michael was always there as if he was monitoring us. I knew something was up, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Okay, here is a bowl of some home made goodness," Luke said coming in the room and breaking the ice. He put down two wooden bowls of his infamous chips and salsa.

"Awesome. I love these," Michael said, grabbing several chips and dipping them generously before putting the whole thing in his mouth.

I watched Luke laughed at Michael before I did the same, mimicking him. Michael gave me a look, but didn't say anything.

"So, Luke told me you two got in an argument the other day," I said, stirring up a conversation.

"Did he? I don't really remember minor fights," Michael said.

"Oh, I thought it was a big fight. Looks like you two made up," I said, unhappy with how the conversation turned.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're real happy," Michael said, sneaking a peek at Luke.

Luke didn't seem fazed at all by our passive- aggressive conversation. Instead, he simply muttered that he had to make another batch and headed in the kitchen.

"So, when did you two meet?" I asked uncomfortably after sitting in silence with Michael.

"Uh, in high school actually," he said, reaching for another chip.

"Cool, and when did you start dating him?" I asked, digging for more answers for the questions I had. It wasn't like I didn't trust Luke. I just didn't trust Michael.

"Why are you bringing up the past? It's done and over with. You wouldn't want Luke knowing you're bringing this up again," Michael said. His eyes were sharp.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but I didn't press any further. Michael excused himself and headed for the kitchen- where Luke was. I felt awkward sitting by myself so I headed to the kitchen as well. I heard hushed voice behind the wall that separated the living room and the kitchen.

"Did you tell him yet?" Michael said, sounding frustrated.

"No! Why would I? Did you say anything?" Luke said back quickly, in confused anger.

"He started asking me weird questions, that's why!" Michael said, raising his voice.

"Lower your voice," Luke said, shushing him.

"It's not my fault. I don't care if Calum knows, but he'll get pissed at you for not telling him," Michael said.

I pressed myself against the wall quickly. It never it was never a good idea to eavesdrop, but I they were talking about me and I had to figure out what was going on.

"Shit, I know. I know. I don't know what to do. Do you think Calum figured it out by himself?" Luke said. The tone in his voice changed.

"I don't know. That's why I came in here," Michael said.

"Shit, Mickey. You didn't think this would have been suspicious too? I have to go back out," Luke said, his voice getting closer to where I was standing.

I tried quickly to gather myself and tiptoe back to the sofa where I was.

"Oh crap," Luke said behind me.

I looked back to see Luke flustered and holding a bowl of salsa. Michael came behind him a few seconds later, looking back and forth between me and Luke.

"Did you hear everything?" Luke said.

I was tempted to lie, but quickly decided against it. "Yeah, I did. So, what aren't you telling me?"

Luke scratched the back of his neck and set the bowl on a table beside him. "It's really nothing, but..."

"But what? I thought we made it clear that we weren't going to lie to each other!" I said, furrowing my brows.

"I never lied to you. I just never told you the whole story," Luke said sheepishly.

"What story?" I asked, looking behind Luke at Michael.

"Here we go," Michael said to himself, rubbing his head.

"The day that we fought outside the pizza shop, Michael told me some things that got us into a fight. It's that simple," Luke said defensively.

"It didn't sound simple before. What exactly did he tell you?" I asked.

"It's really nothing. If you continue pushing, we'll get into another argument again. Can't we all just hang out in peace?" Luke pleaded.

I crossed my arms. "I want to hear it."

Before Luke could answer, Michael jumped in. "I told him I stilled had feelings for him, okay? Is that what you wanted?"

"What the fuck? I knew it!" I said, throwing my arm in the air.

Luke rolled his eyes, "It isn't a big deal."

"It isn't a big deal? Every argument we've had was because of Michael and now it turns out that I was right about everything. Why are you still hanging out with this guy?" I shouted in disbelief.

"Because as much as I love you, Michael is still a big part of my life. Can't you respect that?" Luke shouted back at me without hesitation.

"Thank you," Michael said.

"Fine. I guess we are going to need that break afterall," I said after I calmed down. With that, I stormed out leaving Luke and Michael speechless.

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