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A/N: Back to Calum's POV. Sorry for the really late update, I've been having major writer's block and school has been really stressful. You guys haven't heard from Ashton yet, but that's about to change in this chapter!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

P.S. I realized that I didn't address Brucey in the last chapter, but he is fine. He just ate too much dog food and got sick :(

Now back to Calum.

I didn't understand why I still cared about Luke. I thought not seeing him would make my feelings go away, but it didn't. When I saw him on that field, all my feelings flooded me. It almost felt like seeing a long lost friend. When I finally got the courage to face Luke, there he was with Michael, closer than ever. Just an ex my ass. They were still together and everything he told me was a lie. Everything was a lie. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. This was a joke and I fell for it like an idiot I am.

I groaned and stuffed my face on a pillow. A song played on my iTunes playlist.

"Is this really happening?
I swear I'll never be happy again.
And don't you dare say we can just be friends.
I'm not some boy that you can sway.
We knew it'd happen eventually."

I groaned even louder. This damn song knew how I was feeling better than I did. My phone rang and for a spilt second, Luke flashed in my head. I picked it up and heared a deep voice that came from Ash.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, letting out a sigh.

"What's up with you is the question. You're usually paying attention to Singer during pratice, but you were completely out of it today. I was going to talk to you after pratice, but you practically ran away," Ash said, sounding conerened.

I realized that I hadn't told him about Luke yet and I really wanted to, but I just wanted the past to stay the past. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just have some things I'm dealing with and I don't really want to talk about it."

Ash went quiet for a couple of seconds before responding, "You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Ash," I said, instantly feeling guilty. If I was truly over Luke, I wouldn't feel the need to hide him from Ash.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah, see ya." I hung up and laid on my bed, staring at the celing. I opened the Dominio's app on my phone and quickly picked out some half pineapple and half mushroom pizza with cheezy bread. Homework. I groaned thinking about it as I pulled out my folder and a notebook. Junior year in college was annoying and stressful and I couldn't wait until senior year.

A text rang through my phone from Luke.

Luke: Hey I saw you at practice today. I know things ended badly, but I want the chance to clear things up.

Calum: I have a lot of homework to do.

Luke: Please Cal, I just want to talk.

Calum: What don't you understand? I don't want to see you anymore. And don't call me Cal, we don't know each other that well.

Luke: I'm sorry. I understand.

That was it. I had ended it and I was suppose to be relieved, but somehow I still choked up about it all. What I really wanted to say was I really want to see you and hear your voice, but I think it'll hurt even more if I do. I wish I could pretend there was an excuse for what you did to me, but there isn't. You hurt me Luke. You really hurt me.

My doorbell rang and I stumbled my way downstairs. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find Ashton standing there, his left arm out leaning to the wall next to my door.

"Why are you here?" I said, letting him in.

Ashton took a deep breath before saying, "You forget that I live fours floors down and I knew something was wrong."

I closed the door, leaving the door to slowly swing close with a click. "You didn't have to come up."

"Yeah I do. You were always there for me even when I refused to get any help. Now, I'm doing the same for you. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter," Ashton said, plopping himself on the sofa.

"I don't really understand the situation myself. I guess I'm getting over a... breakup?" I said, sitting down next to him.

Ashton moved over to give me more space. "A guy you met over the summer?"

"Yeah. How did you know?" I asked.

"You went MIA for the entire summer. We use to text everyday," Ash said, picking on the string attached to his ripped shirt.

I paused for a second before replying, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. So what did the guy do to you?"

"Nothing really. He just... I mean we just immediately hit it off you know? I felt like I really trusted him and we would see each other everyday for a month or so. I was finally happy and it was like he took the stress off of me. So I went to his house one time, I know it was stupid of me, and I saw a picture he kept of his ex on his table. He didn't have a good enough excuse and I broke it off. I thought it was over for good, but he's on the rival soccer team. I'm scared to see him, but there are so many questions I have," I spit out.

"Oh wow. Has he called or texted you at all?" Ash said, sitting upright.

"Yeah, once during the summer and just now. He says he wants to talk about what happened," I said.

"What's the problem? I don't understand," Ash said, furrowing his brows.

"His ex, Michael or Mikey or whatever. They are still together. Luke denied it, but I saw them together today and they looked like more than friends."

"Cal, no one who is just playing you would go through all that trouble. Maybe it isn't what it looks like. I'm not saying you have need to talk to him, but I think you need closure from this. It's up to you." 

I paused, thinking about the options I had. "I just want to get over him."

"You couldn't get over him because you were just blaming him the entire time. You can't get forget someone if they are constantly in your mind. Wheter or not he's in the right, you're looking for answers and now he's offering them. Once you hear his story, you'll decide wheter to forgive him or not. That's the only way you'll move on." 

I was biting on my nails. I wiped my damp finger on my jeans. "You're right." I pulled out my phone and typed to Luke: "I'm sorry Luke. I think we need to talk."

"Oh, am I?" Ash said, with a smirk.

I put down my phone and laughed. My doorbell rang again and I went to open it. 

"Who is it?," Ash called out, standing up from the sofa. 

I smiled, carrying the box in my arm as I paid the man with a generous tip. I kicked the door shut behind me. "Pizza."

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