Chapter 55- My Man (Mature)

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(Warning, mature themes ahead)

Nobu's POV

The whole process felt like a dream, a haze covered my vision and by body felt like it was burning up from the inside. All that was on Eidolon's mind was being bred, getting filled with pups. I don't know how long I'd laid there writhing on the sheets, my lower half getting soaked with my own slick. Yowls came from my throat that I couldn't control, my very being ached for Ro, my thoughts consumed by him, when I yowled I called his name in my head.

One of his shirts I'd demanded off of him found its way beneath me and I shamelessly rutted against it, I knew if it was any other time I'd be mortified but right now I didn't care. Lava slowly bubbled inside me and I knew when I was full I'd erupt, it a ticking clock, an alarm set when my eggs were at their most perfect, I wish it would bloody hurry up.

Finally Ro answered my calls, his growl only making me feel hotter, I was going to melt into a puddle at this rate. My very core trembled, I felt empty, sticky, hot and uncomfortable. Horny wasn't a word for what I was feeling, but whatever it was had been chained, like a caged bull just before getting let free.

When he mounted me I wanted it, I wanted the ache to stop but I couldn't let him. Eidolon was there but he was just controlling when it was time to breed. He'd stop Ro, I was just the panting hot mess, a candle in the burning sun.

I cried please but all that came out was growls and hisses as Ro attempted to enter me, Eidolon scratching his tanned golden skin, I wanted to lick the scratches better, I had enough saliva, I think I was dribbling, drooling more like. I couldn't help myself, I panted from how my body boiled, an attempt to cool down but I knew it was fruitless.

Yes I yowled internally when he managed to stop Eidolon, filling my dripping and swollen entrance, his barb pressed me apart and I longed to feel it tug as he pulled back, it's what I needed for this blasted heat to end, for that barb to rip out of me after he'd spilled his seed, inducing my eggs to release, ending my heat. I was almost disappointed feeling the paper thin latex between us.

He felt even bigger than usual despite my swollen and relaxed walls, they moulded to his shape and I wanted to purr when he wiggled his hips but all Eidolon did was growl. He cooled it when that's all Ro did, content to know Ro would wait until it was time. That time was soon approaching, my eggs almost ripe, my body only getting warmer and I was thankful for the licks to my neck, the saliva chilling my feverous skin. I couldn't help but whine and keen, begging for my acme.

I felt Ro move my head, my heat clouded eyes meeting his light green, I knew I looked lewd but I didn't care, seeing his face calmed me a little and I couldn't help but moan when he kissed me, all of my body was hypersensitive every touch was electricity, my body thrummed with it. The tug of my tail like a tug on my member, a nip to my ear like the burn of his barb against the tight rings of my entrance.

I almost sobbed with relief when the time came, a yowl coming from my throat without my permission, Eidolon positioning my body, stretched out and perfectly arched, tail out of the way and exposing where we were joined. I could feel Eidolon moving my hips a come and get it smile directed at Ro. A purr vibrated my throat and I didn't miss the way Ro licked his lips, lust and animalistic need filled his beautiful eyes, eyes I dreamed off and could never stop getting lost in.

He pulled back and I tried to arch my body more, yes!, feeling his engorged length and swollen barb drag against my walls soothed the raging heat inside of me, I needed more of it. His hips snapped back and forth and my body swayed, pulling back when he did and pushing forward when he thrust.

I couldn't help but yowl and keen, mewl, moan and gasp. His growls shook my bones, making my eyes flutter and body tremble. All I could concentrate on was him, seeing him looming over me, powerful body pressing his impressive shaft deep over and over again. His gorgeous and rugged features twisted in pleasure, his fast growing stubble making the angles of his face sharper, he looked so grown up and mature, he was a man, my man.

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