Chapter 40- Please... Don't Leave Me

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Nobu's POV

The doors to the ambulance closed, one of the paramedics joining us in the back whilst the others sat at the front of the ambulance. It's engine quickly started and they pulled away, the siren whining.

Jax's eyes were focused intently on Ro, he looked a bit better than earlier but I could still see the tension and stress in his features, Ro wasn't out of the woods yet.

The paramedic went about hooking up Ro to the monitors and the beep, beep of his heartbeat sounded throughout the vehicle.

I purred and nuzzled his neck, holding him tightly with my arms and legs, but making sure I wasn't hurting him. "Nobu." he croaked softly. I looked up at him, seeing how languidly his eyelids were fluttering.

"Ro, stay with us ok, the hospitals not far away." The paramedic urged him.

"Hmm... tired." he mumbled, his eyes trying to close.

"You need to stay awake son." Jax stated, squeezing Ro's hand.

"Don't leave me Ro." I sniffled, feeling a fresh batch of tears ready to spill over. "please."


Ro's POV

I never wanted to feel the slow agony of being ripped apart ever again, I remembered Nobu, his father and I jokingly talking about knocking Carno down a few pegs, how could we of been so naive? I remember feeling invincible at the time, having Nobu by my side, the fact that he'd become my mate. I felt that I'd already won against Carno, giving me an unrealistic sense of strength. I knew I wouldn't make that mistake again, I might be a jaguar shifter but by no means was I untouchable, there were many bigger fishes out there, stronger ones too.

Laying there in a puddle of my own blood I realised the great responsibility and challenge I'd accepted when I bonded Nobu and I together. He was a snow leopard, a cross, an omega, a tumult, and he was gorgeous and sweet. I would have to protect him for the rest of our lives, it was my duty as his mate to keep him safe. I suddenly felt inadequate for the job, one jealous lion had put both of our lives in jeopardy with cheeky ease. And I know I couldn't suddenly change my shift or gain a lot of strength and power, but I felt helpless.

During the fight I felt helpless, all I could do was try and dodge, throw myself out of the way of Carno's attacks. I was no match for his innate advantage, I'd underestimated him, he might be an annoying lion who failed to catch Nobu's interest but he was still a lion, I had been stupid to forget that.

In the days before today I'd been worrying about what Mr C would think, what our friends would think, Carno hardly crossed my mind, and if he did I felt a certain smugness, no worry or fear as to what he would do when he lost the chance to mate with his Lagneia. Did I think he would brush it off? Say some words and storm away? Lions by nature, especially males never liked to lose, they confronted their rivals, they fought, for mates and to lead the pride. I guess this is what I get for being so cocky and blind sighted. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

My pride had taken a battering, I was no longer on cloud nine, I had crashed back to reality. Reality was a cold and hard pill to swallow, like a cube of ice in my throat. I should of known getting something so special would come at a price, nothing in this world was free after all. I'd allowed myself to be spoiled, having a mate at my age, mating and having sex with Nobu, simply having him around and at my side. I'd also met and become a part of his family, that and meeting my birth father. Things had been going so well, I should of known it wouldn't last, it was too good to be true.

Speaking of my father, I felt so bad putting this amount of stress on him. He was a caring man beneath the tough exterior, seeing his eyes that were so like mine filled with fatherly love and affection whenever he looked at me. That now looked distraught and dull seeing me in such a state, he looked like he'd lost hope. It was the first time I'd seen him cry, it didn't suit him, I didn't like it. He'd already become someone I looked up to, a strong, immovable role model. His tears affirmed how bad of a state I was in, I bet he'd seen others in similar states due to being in a gang and all, if he was clutching my hand so desperately, then my chances of survival must be low.

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