Chapter 14- "My shift likes you best."

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"When's your birthday?" Carno nosed.

"Next year." I said with a smirk and from my peripheral I saw Ro smile a little, Carno looked a little defeated at my answer. "Why?" I pushed.

"Mines today." was all he divulged and turned around, I sent Ro a look at that, I do not want a repeat of Leo thank you very much. Ro frowned at his words. Homeroom ended not long after that since we were late, I headed out, planning on going to the library but Mr C stopped me and Ro held back with me.

"It's raining today so gym's indoors." he told me.

"What's with the colour thing." I gestured around him and his eyes widened a little.

"You've had your birthday then?" he surmised and I nodded. "What colour am I?" he probed hopefully.

"You first." I urged and he sighed.

"Ok, your Jade green to me." he told me and I furrowed my brows.

"To me?" I questioned.

"Yes, you might be green to me but might be red or yellow to another." he explained. "What am I to you?" he pushed.

" a yellowy/green, lime maybe." I tried to explain. He smiled and seemed happy with the answer.

"Ok, thank you, off you go." he waved at the door and Ro and I left. Ro showed me where the gym locker rooms were and we walked in. The gym teacher from what I'd guess smiled warmly at me.

"Ah, it's nice to finally meet you Nobu." he greeted me and handed me a string tied bag. "These are you gym clothes." he explained and I nodded. Ro and I went over to a space on the benches and began to change. We did so quickly because we were a bit behind.

"Got a collar huh?" Carno mused from nearby as I pulled off my shirt. I ignored the comment but Ro growled a little and quite a few of the students, which were all male obviously turned to look at me. I blushed a bit and pulled my gym shirt over my head, getting changed a little quicker now. "So you've already had your birthday, why did you lie?" Carno grumbled, crossing his arms and looking a little hurt.

"I said my birthday was next year, which my next one is." I stated and he huffed.

"So what do you think?" he asked and I raised a brow as I sat on the bench to tie my shoes.

"About what?" I pushed and he sighed loudly.

"Don't act coy, you know what I mean, smell me." he pretty much demanded.

"No thank you." I refused and a look of anger came onto his face.

"If you won't I will." he threatened in a growl.

"You can smell yourself to your hearts content." I told him and a few of the students snickered. He looked pissed at that and started to come closer but the gym teacher put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Calm down Carno." he told him in an authoritative tone. "Everyone else, please go to the gym and start warming up." he ordered and the students filtered out, leaving us four alone.

"He's a cross shift, I want to know." he rumbled in a short tempered tone and tried to push past the teacher who easily held him back. I studied the teacher and sniffed the air lightly, taking in his appearance, with my new heightened senses I could tell he was a bear pretty easily, a grizzly. He was huge, tall and wide, he would even tower over Otto, he was more burly, like a rugby player. He had no aura and was in his early 30's I'd say. Brown hair and eyes with a groomed beard, strong nose and round features and limbs on the shorter side with a thick neck.

"That might be true but he has his own right to his space, now calm down or I'll have to call your brother." Mr Grizzly warned and earned a hollow laugh from Carno. Leo had done much worse than Carno, what good would he do?

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