Chapter 93- Mine (mature)

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Cyrus' POV

Once the class had settled down a little I took attendance, barely finishing before an arm stuck up in the air. I quietly sighed under my breath, looking down the arm to see who it belonged to, finding a young she-wolf with a foul expression on her face, what had upset her so thoroughly this morning?

"Yes Lucinda?" she lowered her arm and crossed both of them with a huff.

"Are you not going to say anything?"

I lifted a brow at the snark and challenge in her tone, my animal stirring from his slumber to grumble at the blatant disrespect she was showing us. My animal was a solitary one but understood our position, and took it seriously, he was also not one to allow being walked over, he had a fine temper which I kept under straight jacket tightness, especially around youngsters. "About your bad manners?" She stuttered for a moment and lowered her gaze. "I might be young but I am still your teacher, you will address me as Mr Stetson, and speak to me with the respect you give to the rest of your teachers, am I understood?"

"Yes Mr Stetson," she mumbled.

"Good. Now, what did you want to ask me?"

"Mr Stetson, why haven't you reprimanded Nobu for not sitting in his seat?" she glared at the mated pair who were still wrapped in each other's arms behind Ambrose's desk, Nobu's chair noticeably empty aside from his bag.

I sighed heavily, barely managing to keep my eye roll internal. How did she honestly think that was any of her business? How I do or not reprimand other students has got absolutely nothing to do with her. "That's why you interrupted the whole class?" I sounded annoyed, and I was, Nobu and Ambrose weren't being disruptive, was she so vindictive of others she couldn't stand to see them being affectionate?

"It's unfair, if they get to sit together then I should be able to sit with my boyfriend too." she snapped out in a huff.

"Their mated Miss Canos, and since you want to stick your nose in everyone else's business, I will inform you that they have my permission, but I didn't feel the need to waste all of your time telling you that since you have no place knowing about the subject matter of our private conversations."

Lukas hadn't said anything about it, but I understood that looking after them wasn't just in the physical sense, they were both obviously distressed and required each other for comfort, especially at the moment. Ambrose must be bursting with fierce protectiveness, trying to force them apart could have cataclysmic repercussions. The last thing anyone needed was another fight breaking out.

I saw Ambrose looking at me with gratitude and I slightly nodded my head his way, I wanted him to know I had his back, the teachers had failed them both in the past, atrociously. I hadn't met their previous shifter teacher due to his sudden departure, but from what I'd heard he hadn't exactly acted professionally, especially around Nobu.

Considering what Nobu had told me yesterday and my animal's curiousness I had asked the council about the fate of the student that had attacked Ambrose. They hadn't told me much, but enough, enough to know the school had grievously neglected another of their students. I did wonder if Ambrose and Nobu knew, knowing might not change their opinion, but it might give them answers. They were attacked by a Charivari, the council knew after the student had come of age as tests were required before being put on the database, and the council would inform the school, I'd even checked myself, but nothing had been implemented after the information had been given, if anything the attack was the school's fault.

A Charivari wasn't an easy thing to be, it was a rare gift, some would say curse. The powerlessness created disquiet in the shifter, which wasn't good for the human or animal side. Some animals can be notoriously hard to handle, the bigger headed the harder, but a lion? It was a bad mix, putting aside the unique character of the animal and its upbringing.

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