Chapter 97- Is it a Bear!? Is it a Feline!? No, it's a...

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Nobu's POV

After I'd finished with my afternoon nap, Ro and I went back downstairs to finish our maths homework we'd left on the dining table. The smell of food wafted from the kitchen, mum no doubt making dinner.

Otto was up at the table on the other side of our discarded homework, intense concentration on his face as he typed on his computer. I remember him mentioning that he had an important paper due. His head slightly bobbed to the music in his headphones, he was one of those people who worked better with music, rock specifically, and I could hear Metallica's Enter Sandman faintly as I walked past him.

Despite the stress from the earlier argument I was in a surprisingly good mood and I found myself smiling softly as I sat down opposite Otto, trying to immerse myself back into the riveting subject of histograms.

Lips pressed to my cheek and I glanced up and smiled wider at Ro as he sat down beside me, surprised but humming happily when he leaned down to peck me on the lips before going back to his homework with a quiet sigh.

"Ugh! Your sappiness is revolting." Jasper gagged from the front room, neck arched uncomfortably over the back of the sofa, his upside-down face contorted in disgust.

I just poked my tongue out at him.

I was almost finished with my homework when dad came out of his office. He slipped his phone into his back pocket and rubbed his face tiredly, going into the kitchen and quiet murmurs started up but they were soon interrupted by rapid knocks at the front door.

Ro and I looked up from our homework and watched as dad walked down the hallway and towards the door, Ro jumping slightly and scowling up at Jasper who was now leaning heavily on his shoulders.

"Wrong! Wrong! And Wrong!" he loudly declared whilst pointing at Ro's homework, who shrugged Jasper off angrily.

"Piss off Jasper," he grumbled.

Ro was actually quite smart in most academic subjects, but I noticed that he has to work a little harder at math. He wasn't bad at it, at all, but he didn't seem to grasp it as easily as other subjects. Jasper looked a little surprised at how annoyed Ro was from his comment but then grinned widely.

"You know I could tutor you if you'd like?" he suggested.

Ro looked up at him sceptically, like he'd just started sprouting Latin. "No... thanks?" he mumbled with a frown, looking quite perplexed.

Jasper huffed disappointedly. "I'm serious, and I was kinda hoping you'd help me out in return?" he broached slowly in an unsure and nervous voice, giving Ro a strained smile afterwards.

Ro snorted. "So that's why you've reined in your name-calling? Because you want something?"

Jasper just looked plain offended and stood there for a few moments just glaring at Ro, but gave in with a sigh and flopped down onto the chair next to Ro. "Yes, alright! I want your help, sue me!" he exclaimed and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"Shoot." Ro leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, lifting an impatient brow when Jasper didn't speak immediately, instead fiddling with the corner of Ro's homework sheet.

"Well... you spend quite a bit of time with Cyrus at school... and I was wondering if... well if you'd... ugh! Why is this so difficult!" he slammed his fist on the table, and Otto glanced up from his computer screen with an unimpressed stare.

"If you're going to yell, do it outside will you?" he grumbled before going back to his work.

"Just spit it out, Jasper." Ro exhaled heavily.

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