Chapter 72- Another Point of View

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Otto's POV

I looked out the window with a soft sigh, letting my head rest back against the wall of the window seat in the library. The first few drops of rain slid down the glass, reminding me of tears, I looked away, feeling my eyes burn. I blinked rapidly, groaning and running my fingers through my coarse blonde hair none to gently.

It had been great seeing Nobu, I'd missed him immensely, it hadn't been the same without him at home, he made our family whole you know? As much as I'd missed him I forgot how much it hurt to see him and Ro so in love, Jasper was surprisingly not fucking up wooing Inaco completely and Emelia was smitten with Arnold, I felt left out and a little lonely. They were both occupied with their potential mates and when they were apart they were normally texting each other, there was only so much time I could stare at the words of a book before I stopped being able to read them, burying myself in a different world was an only temporary fix and when I finished the book I was back in reality.

University had been going fine I guess, the course work was challenging but not difficult. I was a bit like Nobu in the sense that we didn't make friends easily, I was a quiet and reserved person, which didn't exactly make me the most welcoming person. I didn't speak much unless I felt the need to, I wasn't one for chatting, or catching up, I guess that was the tiger coming out in me though. Jasper seemed to of got the lion personality with a tiger body and I'd got the opposite, I think we'd gotten mixed up in the womb. I was a Tigon, although Liger sounded cooler, my appearance was that of a white lion though but with tiger stripes.

I loved my shift, but I never felt I fit in completely, I didn't act like a lion and didn't have the need for a pride, lions tended to group together and it was the same at the university, Jasper had also pissed a few of them off, and me being his twin kind of lumped me together with him. I didn't want to be in their group but he'd taken away the option. Jasper's rag-tag group of friends wasn't limited in variety, they all coincidentally had particularly mischievous shifts though, which was obviously not a coincidence. He'd invited me to join them during lunch and any other time we were not in lessons but they were all too loud and excitable, I could spend as much time with Jasper as I wanted at home, some space was nice, I liked my space, but I still got lonely.

Hybrids were known for being unpredictable, more violent, you get the idea, being a tiger and lion mix didn't exactly help, smaller shifts avoided me to no end. My shift was a calm and lazy cat most of the time, he loved bathing in the sun, taking long naps during the day, we were protective of our family, extremely so, that was the only exception, then did I only have the attitude that fit my shift.

I felt judged before anyone had even met me, with one look they'd decided who I was and what I was like, I just found it easier not to make friends.

Nobu was so excited for the sparring session and I didn't have the heart to say no seeing how giddy he was for me to join in, shifters his age weren't really aware on the opinions of hybrids, sure we were sought after as mates for our rarity and unique appearance but we were also avoided due to our 'hostile personalities' and 'unpredictable and dangerous violent outbursts'.

I hadn't met another hybrid before, so couldn't say whether the stigma held any weight, they were rare. The children of parents who didn't have the same shift, (like our parents) would normally have either the mothers or fathers animal as their shift, like Jasper being a tiger like our dad. A reasonably common occurrence was for the children was to have completely different shifts from their parents, a shift was supposed to represent the person's personality after all, they were our spirit animal, Emelia and Nobu were examples of that. I was a hybrid, a mix of my mothers and fathers shifts, an anomaly in the shifter world, it gave me notoriety, both good and bad.

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