Chapter 80- Road Trip Turned Family Affair

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Ro's POV

The even rumbling and lulling movement of the car left me in a dozed state, not asleep but not quite awake either. From the lack of turns, I knew we were on the motorway, it was surprisingly quiet in the car, Jasper was quiet anyway, I'll take it as a miracle, he must either be asleep or something, somehow, had occupied his attention and kept it enough to keep that big gob of his shut. I was curious as to what it could be, but not quite enough to open my eyes and find out, I got the feeling doing so would trigger something, in this state of not quite sleep I could feel my rut simmering underneath the surface but it had stayed that way for what I'd guess to be an hour on the road.

I could hear the quiet sound of the radio, the occasional page turn from Otto and the dull clack of Emelia's nails on her touch screen, Lukas and Elode spoke in hushed tones, the words themselves getting lost by all the car's around us and the other background noise.

Nobu was asleep, his even and slow breaths stirring my hair, his body lax against his seat. Our heads were resting against each other, mine a little higher than his.

"We're almost off the motorway now Ambrose," Elode spoke louder so I'd hear her, I stayed as I was, not wanting the status of my rut to change. I definitely didn't want to start my rut in the car with the whole of Nobu's family, and still on the motorway no less, it's not like Lukas could stop.

"You hear that Mr-Money-Bags!?" Jasper voiced at an excessive volume. "You've kept it PG so far, you can do it till we get back 'cause I don't want my brothers first time having car sex to be a family affair if you get my meaning?" he snorted, amused by his own words.

"Who says there will ever be a first time Jasper? Ambrose is a gentleman, and a car is no place for sex, aside from the fact it counts as public indecency, which is a crime."

"You're so boring dad, come on, I'm sure you've done it."

"Oh, my, god! You didn't just ask our dad whether he's... augh you're unbelievable!" Emelia sounded plain disgusted, which Jasper seemed to quite enjoy from his laughter.

"And Ro a gentleman? Ha! Has everyone else suddenly forgotten the time when Mr-Gentleman back there mated Nobu in front of us, in our own sitting room?! Hello people!" he yelled.

"Keep it down Jasper."

"What? I'm just stating facts." I could almost see Jasper shrugging his shoulders with a mock innocent look on his face.

The conversation lulled for a little while, that was until Lukas muttered "Shit," under his breath and took a sharp turn.

"Shit what dad?" Jasper nosed.

"I forgot I need to get those two some condoms and an ovulation kit." he sighed.

"Okay... first why, and second, ovulation kit? Why do they need contraceptives and a test that tells you when you're most likely to conceive? Sounds like a pretty redundant purchase to me." well, that was a surprisingly intellectual deduction from Jasper. "One's to help pregnancy and the other's to stop it, so what's up with that?"

"What's up is I have a hunch that Nobu's in silent heat and I think it's best if we find out for sure, and secondly they ran out of condoms."

"..." Jasper made a strangled sound. "But... they had almost a whole box when they left... oh my brother's poor butt!" he exclaimed and I struggled to hold in a snort. I must have made some sort of sound because I heard the rustle of fabric as he twisted around in his seat and felt his narrowed eyes glaring at me. "You think this is funny?! You... you sex fiend!" I did snort then, also wondering out of the two definitions of fiend which one he's calling me; an evil spirit or demon, or an enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing, either one worked for the situation but it would still be nice to know whether he was being literal or his usual dramatic self.

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