Chapter 13- Green

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[Mr C ^] 

I hadn't turned my alarm off for school so it went off, surprisingly my phone hadn't gone flat but I didn't really use it much yesterday. Jasper groaned in his tiger form and tried to bury his head in his duvet. I yawned as I reached over Ro's sleeping form and silenced it, going back to nuzzle into Ro's chest and I dropped off again. Sometime later I felt Ro shift and I roused, opening my heavy eyelids to see him smiling down at me, his foam green eyes slightly unfocused from sleep. "Morning." I yawned and then smiled back, feeling my eyes crinkle.

"Morning Nobu." Ro greeted me, his voice deeper from having just woken up, leaning down to rub our cheeks together and I purred in appreciation, rubbing eagerly back. He kicked off his borrowed pyjama bottoms and shifted into his jaguar and started to groom my hair and I giggled, quickly following suit, shifting as well. Ro settled over me and it wasn't an overbearing weight, it made me feel safe, my shoulders and head the only thing visible, his larger body covering me. He started to groom my fur, starting on my head, cleaning my thick fur with his large and rough tongue. I closed my eyes in pleasure and was practically vibrating from receiving such attention from him. Grooming was a bonding activity between family and mates for shifters and was another way to deposit your scent on those close to you. Ro reached my sensitive ears and I moaned a little at the wonderful feeling of it, itching a scratch I didn't know I had. The quiet noise must of woken up Jasper because I heard growling coming from inside of the room but I paid him no mind and Ro continued to groom me, snuffing deeply in his chest and I could feel the vibrations on my back. I moved my head to the side and Ro licked up the column of my neck and I shuddered at the feeling. I heard a rustle of clothes.

"Get off of him." Jasper ordered in a growl, in human form now. We both ignored Jasper and Ro moved onto the beginning of my shoulders and I relaxed on the mattress, head resting on one of his paws and I fluttered open my eyes, lidded from pleasure and glanced at a furious looking Jasper, my ears forward and completely relaxed. "I'm getting dad." Jasper declared and stalked out of the room. I just huffed a little, we weren't doing anything wrong.

Dad came in a moment later, obviously being asleep moments before, in just his pyjama bottoms and his hair mused and ruffled a little from his pillow. He didn't look impressed at being woken up and Jasper followed quickly behind him, still glaring at Ro. Dad sighed when he saw us and I prustened a little in greeting in between my full-throated purrs. He turned to look at Jasper and raised a brow, as if saying 'you woke me up for this?'

"Ro's practically mounting him." Jasper huffed in an angry tone, gesturing at us. I guess he was laying over me but he wasn't far enough forward for that. Ro snorted at his words and nudged my head to the side to clean my chin and the front of my neck, I blinked slowly and watched a sideways dad and Jasper.

"You're overreacting Jasper." dad told him and Jasper crossed his arms in defiance.

"Fine, I'll get him off myself." he huffed and stalked towards us and Ro stopped grooming me and placed more of his weight on me, laying his large head over mine and staring Jasper down. He didn't growl but was warning Jasper to back off with his posture enough, I on the other hand had no qualms growling at my brother. That seemed to make him even more angry. Dad pulled him back before things escalated and I stopped growling and Ro relaxed his posture, nuzzling his head against mine. Jasper was fuming and stalked off and we all heard his bedroom door slam, we all flinched as it hurt our sensitive ears. Dad sighed loudly again and ran his fingers though his hair. Ro backed off of me and laid down beside me, starting to work further down my back with his tongue.

"Couldn't you of done that a few minutes ago?" dad grumbled and Ro huffed out a quiet call. "Yeah, I know he's being unreasonable but he's never going to like you this way." dad told Ro. I felt Ro shift behind me.

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