Chapter 33- "Where's My Biscuit?" (mature)

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(warning, mature themes ahead)

[Jax] ^

I purred and we kissed slow and sweet, I could taste the iron twang on his lips from my blood but found I didn't mind it. His touch felt like silk on my skin, so right, I felt at home in his arms. His scent was different as well, he smelt a bit like me and I guess I was the same, our scents mingling due to being mated. I liked the smell a lot, everyone would know he was mine and I his. "Mate." he rumbled against my lips.

"Mate." I purred back, making him growl and roll us over, looming over me again. He shifted and started to lick my skin with his large and rough tongue. I let out a breathy mewl as his tongue dragged down my neck and onto my chest, squirming as he lapped at my nipples before continuing lower. He licked everywhere, leaving not an inch of skin untouched. I whimpered when he reached in between my legs, nosing and sucking gently before continuing lower. He snuffed and gently pawed my hip with one of his paws, I got the memo and rolled over. He snuffed some more and started licking again, the tiny bristles on his tongue combing out my hair before starting on the nape of my neck and I could feel the healed bites, it had left a scar. His saliva covered my skin, making me shiver as the air cooled it.

He worked down my back, growling deeply when he reached my behind. He softly nibbled and lapped at the globes before pushing his tongue in between them. I gasped and shuddered as he licked my entrance, it feeling very sensitive and tender. His chest vibrated as he cleaned his cum leaking out of me, his rumbles increasing. He headbutted my butt and grunted. I turned to look down at him and he did it again, looking up at me.

"What?" I asked. He grunted again and climbed over me, his hips jerking a little and I sighed deeply. "Again?" I complained and he huffed, pawing at my shoulder.

'He wants to mate in animal form.' Eidolon told me. I had kind of guessed that but I was rubbed raw as it was. He snuffed and moaned, rubbing his head against my back, his large pale green eyes pleading, trying to convince me.

I groaned and gave in, shifting into my snow leopard. He growled heatedly and wasted no time mounting me. I felt his member brush against my fur as his hips rocked, trying to find my entrance. I pulled my tail to the side, shifting forward a bit and he let out a deep and pleased rumble, his hips jerking. He licked and mouthed the scruff of my neck growling when he found my entrance and thrusting in. He felt shorter but even thicker in this form and I hissed as his barb forced it's way in, it feeling even more prominant as well. He moaned and tugged at my scruff, tilting his head left and right and mouthing the back of my neck, roaring quietly. His hips smacked against my rump as he bred me and i could feel his teeth tugging on the loose skin of my scruff.

He finished with a whining roar and pulled out, I yowled a little at the sharp throbbing sting and rolled onto my back, rubbing against the torn sheets.

He snuffed and rubbed his head against my chest, headbutting it and I pawed his head gently. He licked my chest, grooming my thick fur and I purred tiredly. I heard a knock at the front door and my ears twitched. He paused his grooming, lifting his head and looking towards the closed door of the bedroom.

I rolled back over and smacked his face with my tail as he tried to mount me again. He chewed on it playfully and I huffed, climbing off the bed and he followed close behind, putting his front leg over me and trying to grab my neck. I meowed in annoyance and he groaned and continued to try but I wouldn't lay down.

He yowled in dismay and licked the fur on my back, he kept trying, putting his leg over my hips and climbing on me. I just sighed and laid down, he meowed excitedly and sunk back in, humping me, growling in my ear as he licked and mouthed my neck. He moaned and stilled before pulling away. I huffed and rolled on my back again, rubbing my back against the carpet and mewling.

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