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This is a Fenwatcher, one of my original creatures

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This is a Fenwatcher, one of my original creatures. Please don't steal.

Fenwatchers average at six to seven feet tall standing upright, and are covered in short, soft grey fur. The hue varies at different points on the body, and is far thicker on the tail. They walk on their hindlegs, but when they are running they fall forward onto their forelegs and can move with great speed through the trees. Their pace is smooth, and they can move in complete silence through the forest. 

Their backs, head, tail, and elbows are covered in long, stiff white feathers with black spines. The spines are incredibly poisonous, and they sound an ominous rattling when they are about to strike. 

Fenwatchers are incredibly intelligent creatures, and, though lacking the ability to speak, can understand the words of humans and their meanings. In fact, Fenwatchers make no sound, except for the hissing of their breath. 

They lack external ears, but have an excellent sense of hearing and smell. Their milky white eyes are not blind, but have eyesight that rivals that of a Wickett's.

They often wear drab grey or green cloaks that they create themselves from plant fibers and the fur of their prey. 

Fenwatchers are antisocial and territorial, and little of their daily habits are known to man. One has been tracked to it's den, which was not a den at all, but merely a clearing in a bramble thicket. Bones and animal skulls were dangling from the trees overhead, and the clearing was filled with fur, feathers, moss, and grasses, forming a sort of nest or bed.  

These creatures are obligate carnivores, and prey upon cattle, horses, deer, and even dogs or wolves.

They are extremely dangerous, and will not hesitate to kill a human or Wickett. They are feared by men, and are frequently hunted down, but rarely killed. They can deliver mortal wounds with their claws and their powerful bite is rendered all the more destructive and painful by their cobra-like fangs, which dig into the flesh of their victims and are impossible to remove without forcibly tearing them off, which often removes a good portion of the victim's body. Their weak point lies in their hind legs. A strong blow with the shaft of a spear can break the tibia, and then the Fenwatcher can be killed as it struggles about on the ground. 

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