The day I thought of the (dystopian?) cat-and-dog story (see my board for the announcement I posted) I had the inspiration to draw a random comic page, just for fun. I chose to draw the beginning of the scene where the police come to the house where Jonathan is hiding. It's really rough and sketchy, but it was very fun. There's a lot of ambient sound, so be warned. If you think it's a bit much, you have never been in the country at night. It's like the cicadas are revving little chainsaws in the trees. The crickets, treefrogs, and random bugs all together make a lovely symphony entitled This Is Beautiful But You Shall Not Sleep, No. 2.
It was also my first time drawing a house! And guess what? I USED NO REFERENCE AND IT STILL LOOKS GOOD
You may want to turn your brightness up to see all the details—it's pretty dark, since it's set at nighttime.
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The only tools I used were four things—eraser, smudge (barely) and two brushes—6B Pencil and Untitled Brush (UB). I used UB for blocking in color, doing glow/firefly effects, and the curtains, then 6B for rendering and everything else.
Here are some close-ups. I refuse to use pre-programmed object brushes, so I drew every. Individual. Leaf.
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The back porch (I want to hang out there on warm summer evenings. Too bad it doesn't exist).
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The crickets, fireflies, and wheat. I could draw fireflies all day—
Notice the faint treetops in the background. I am so proud of this panel. ;ω;
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And lastly, our boy Jonathan! Deep in a bad dream, as always. Poor little guy, he has no idea what's coming.
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