Swift as Swallows

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A watercolor commission for our racing group! I tried a nice, simple style, and I must say I am very happy with how it turned out

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A watercolor commission for our racing group! I tried a nice, simple style, and I must say I am very happy with how it turned out. No, I did not match the muzzles and jackets on purpose, that's just how they were! (I's loosely based on a photo I took.) One of my favorite parts are the shadows on no. 1's chest—I added pink tinting since white always shows pink though, and I'm proud of how it turned out. Same with 4's forelegs. 4 is actually our dog, Primrose! The white streak on her jacket is because it's made out of a loose, shiny material, and the sun was glinting on it. 

I'm sorry for all the random updates and more sketches than actual art, I've just been so incredibly tired lately and had nearly no inspiration. I'll be trying to get some done for you tomorrow, though. I love you all so, so much. Your comments mean the world to me—you're all so encouraging. I know that's all I say about you guys—inspiring, encouraging—but that's what you are. You inspire me to keep going. You encourage me, motivate me to continue drawing when I need it most. 

Thank you. 


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