The Stray

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Last night my sisters and I met a stray tom-cat who came through the woods to our house!

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Last night my sisters and I met a stray tom-cat who came through the woods to our house!

He kept giving the saddest sounding little mews, and though shy, would come eagerly to us whispering and calling. If we stood, moved abruptly, or opened the door to go in or come out, away he would flit, and then stand in the shadows waiting for us to still. We fed him a little and mostly just sat and watched.

He came very close and I carefully put my hand out, and he took another step and then sniffed it. That was as far as I dared go until he relaxed, so we sat back and let him come closer, exploring and smelling everything, wandering around and behind us. He seemed particularly interested in the planting pots! 

Then, as he padded around us to step down off the porch, I quickly reached out and brushed his back as he passed. I only wanted to touch him—and expected him to dart away—but he froze and came around for more. For a few minutes I pet him, and he expressed his happiness by twisting and purring, looking up at me with enormous yellow eyes. Then he decided it was time to go, and silently walked through the yard and up the steps to the forest's edge, where he paused. Looking back, he blinked once, and then melted into the shadows.

I wonder if I'll see him again. :3

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Here is the man himself, looking a bit offended that I dared take a photo. The flash was on by accident, and it startled him.

 The flash was on by accident, and it startled him

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