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I have drawn a human being. Actually...that's not true. She's an elf. No, not the cool kind. Meet Thena, my Keeper of the Lost Cities OC! She's a pyrokinetic, though she'll tell you she's a rare type of 'path: psychopath. Which is partly true. Thena is a Wayward at Exillium, and lives in an abandoned trailer in the woods most of the time. Her other home is where she's depicted in the drawing, though you can't see the actual structure—a cabin on the bank of a lake in aforementioned forest. It's owned by a human dude who goes there to fish occasionally, and he's unaware that when he's not around it's a popular rendezvous point for a few Waywards, including Tam and Linh. (Linh likes to practice her waterbending there.)
I imagine this picture is after Thena got into some sort of ridiculous fight (maybe with another elf, maybe with a tree, who knows) and came to have Linh help her bandage up her forehead only to find that the whole gang is there. 'The whole gang' being Tam, Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Keefe, and Biana—99% of whom she has never seen before, hence her baffled look. Linh, I'm case you were wondering, is basically Thena's personal physician, and probably wrapped up whatever she did to her arm previously.
No, they never actually hung out in a cabin by a lake in canon, but I don't care. Let me have my little fanfic in peace.
I'm not a huge fan of the face, but the arm holding the doorway—I'm so happy with it. Why do my sketchiest of sketches turn out so decent while my big drawings are so meh?