Pirate Scourge-Ocean Breathes Salty

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One day I was browsing YouTube, and I came across a MAP call by Cheeteh Z. It was a Ravenpaw au where he becomes Scourge. It was set in a tropical forest, which I love, and featured a alligator and several iguanas, which I also love. I desperately wanted a part, but I can't animate yet. Instead, I decided to make fanart. 

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Wait for it...

And here it is!!

I know it's supposed to be an alligator, but I made it a crocodile instead. Alligators are freshwater reptiles, and do not live in the ocean. They can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, but that's not where they live. I am not judging the creators of the map whatsoever, and I personally think alligators are far cooler, this is merely a change I made for realism's sake.

 I am not judging the creators of the map whatsoever, and I personally think alligators are far cooler, this is merely a change I made for realism's sake

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