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The Grimwood Fenwatcher was a unique specimen with an interesting history.
It was captured by Rhog during the Wickett Revolt of the Second Age, and used as a weapon against the feline rebellion. Clad in armor, it was set upon the Wicketts, goaded by Rhog's men, who controlled it. Angered, it was estimated to have killed thirty-two Wicketts and injured countless humans in one village alone.
It was held in captivity as a deadly weapon for twenty-seven years, chained alongside Rhog's war-wolves. During a raid on the forest of Coedwig Adar, where dwelt gigantic talking owls and other raptors, an osprey with whom it was fighting saw it's captors and realized why it was there. The huge bird tore it's chains off with it's talons as they struggled, and freed it at the cost of his own life. The Fenwatcher immediately turned on Rhog's men, none of whom survived.
Wearing only it's steel helm, which the osprey had been unable to remove as they fought, it made it's way back to it's territory in the Grimwood.
Villagers have reported seeing it nearly fifty years after these events, making it the longest living Fenwatcher known.