Solar Fanart

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Solar Rebus Fanart for Dina Norlund! She's an INCREDIBLE artist, and if you haven't checked her out, you should

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Solar Rebus Fanart for Dina Norlund! She's an INCREDIBLE artist, and if you haven't checked her out, you should. She has a YouTube channel as well as a DeviantArt account. 

Anyway, here's Solar above—gorgeous, isn't she?!, and my art below. Dina said that she likes cloudberries, so that's supposed to be what she's chasing. It looks more like a weirdly shaped beach ball than a giant cloudberry to me, but oh well. I tried. 

Don't mind the swoopy thing under her, I was an idiot and took the photo with the rest of the notebook pages underneath. It's the tail of another beastie I designed but still haven't finished. 

Also, this was from YEARS and YEARS ago, so please overlook the general awfulness. I will forgo a rant about how bad it is, but I have to say—THAT TONGUE IS SO FREAKING BAD—

giVe mE yOuR tHoUgHtS~

giVe mE yOuR tHoUgHtS~

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