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Author's Note: hey guys! And to those who know me, long time no see!

So, as it says in the disclaimer in the description, this is my first story that I'm posting. Like, literally first story ever. So I'm kind of pretty nervous on what you guys might think *nervous/anxious chuckle*

Forewarning: this story begins back when Kakashi was a kid. So beware of spoilers. Though I will definitely try to put a forewarning sometime whenever a possible spoiler is about to come up in whichever chapter, for those who haven't seen, nor gotten that far in the anime.

I have nearly roughly all timelines set in order. So if anything seems out of place, please go right ahead and comment on whichever part, and I'll try to reply as soon as possible. Be it if I need to fix anything, or you would like me to clarify/go into further detail about anything.

I'll probably put up a Q&A for any questions and such as well! I'm down for any criticism, but please go easy, as I'm especially not used to posting stories and/or any content publicly ^~^"

I'm not exactly sure what to do with this prologue, but I guess I'll start off within the Leaf Village, then go on from there.

Edited note: I already have most of the past part of the story written down. This is just an added part to it, as I never had an actual prologue with it before hand. Though I also have no idea on how to do a proper prologue for this story, so you can skip ahead of this portion if you wish.

Sooo, I believe that is everything! And with that, I love y'all! And I hope you enjoy reading! And I'll continue to post whenever I can! <3


It was noon. Lord Third was in his office, writing down documents into scrolls after a brief meeting with the elders. Completely unaware of current events transpiring in an allied clan's village in the Land of Fire. Until an ANBU operative came in through the door with a missive.

"Lord Third, apologies for the interruption. But we just received a distress call from the Kinoka Clan in Mushin Village", he spoke urgently, as he put the missive onto his desk and kneeled respectively. Hiruzen's eyes widened as he set everything down and looked at the ANBU.

"Please continue", he spoke as his expression returned composed.

The ANBU nodded, "they are under attack by unknown assailants in black cloaks. Nothing else is known as their village is in terrible danger, and they request immediate assistance on dealing with them. But I fear that it may be too late by the time any of our operatives reach their village".

Hiruzen's brows knitted as he gave it a brief thought. The Kinoka Clan is known as one of the three most power clans, alongside the Senju and Uchiha; even with them being pacifists. They would not send out a distress call unless things were in any immediate danger. He closed his eyes before looking at the operative.

"Go inform Hawk and tell him to have him and his team head out to the Mushin Village for immediate assistance as soon as possible. And if it is indeed too late...", his expression turned grave, "please have them scout out and bring back any surviving members of the clan. I would also like to advise him to search for a child from the main household, and make sure she is alright. As well as either of her parents. I pray that we are not too late".

The operative bowed, "yes, sir", before vanishing from sight. Lord Third stood up and went to look out the wide glass window as he looked out into the sky in deep thought.

Moments after, Hawk and his team were heading out towards the Mushin Village as quickly as they could. And the closer they got, sounds of a heavy storm with lightning and rain became louder. The wind especially became much stronger as it blew past them. Almost as if trying to keep them away.

Hawk shouted so the rest of his team could hear, "I'm not liking the looks of this! We've gotta pick up the pace and get there even sooner if possible! Let's keep moving, and no stopping for anything!".

"Right!", they affirmed, as they all moved faster to reach their destination. All they could do is hope that they aren't too late...


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