Part 12: Striking A Lightning Bolt

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Hey, all! I'm not sure what to say for this note, so I'll leave it short for now.

Next chapter, we shall see an encounter with two other specific characters. Both from the Village Hidden in the Clouds.

So for now, let's get back to the story, shall we?

Forewarning: this chapter contains a few parts from episode 288. If you haven't gotten that far in the anime, this is a warning for possible spoilers.


A little after a month, after visiting the KIA stone, then her biological parents' graves, Himiko was walking through the village on her own. She looked up at the sky as the clouds went by. Her and her other two teammates have gotten pretty close again. More so Kakashi to them, ever since...
she shook the thoughts out of her head and continued on. Maybe she'll get some flowers... Each of them for her-

"There you are, my youthful lotus flower!".

Friends... Himiko sweat dropped as she saw Guy practically run over to her at full speed; a dust cloud trailing behind him. She gave him her usual cheerful smile and a wave. "Hey, Guy! How's it going?", she asked.

"Oh, nothing much. I've just finished doing one hundred laps around the village. But before I continue on with the rest of my training, I was wondering if you would like to come and observe Kakashi and I in the usual springtime of youth as I challenge him to another heated rematch. Or you could join us as well, and continue to flourish on with us like always!", Guy exclaimed. Well, one thing's for sure, there's not a time nor place when he's never motivated... or perhaps, even over enthusiastic...

Himiko smiled softly and nodded. "Sure, Guy. Then I suppose that would mean another hundred laps around Konoha?", she rose a brow knowingly. He gave a gleaming grin with an enthusiastic thumbs up and a wink.

"As youthful as ever, Himiko! Now, let us be off!", he swiftly turned around before blasting his way through the village. Himiko giggled as she ran along behind him.

"In a rush like always", she chuckled, "do you have any idea on where he might be?".

"Why, of course I do! In fact, I just spoke with him a moment ago about our next vigorous challenge!", he stated, not slowing down for a second. When Himiko tried to look far enough ahead of them, she saw Shikaku talking with Chōza and Inoichi outside a bar.

"Hey Uncle Shikaku, Uncle Chōza, Uncle Inoichi!", she shouted as she sped right passed them. The three looked over, Chōza and Inoichi in brief surprise before they smiled slightly in amusement. Shikaku sighed as he shook his head.

"How troublesome...", he muttered in a bored tone, as they watched the two run out of sight.

Inoichi chuckled lightly, "yeah, but you like her".

Shikaku sighed before smiling lazily, "I suppose you're right. But still, she sure is something".

"She sure is. Though I wonder what she'll bring to the village, now that she's made a name for herself. Now that she's more well known throughout the other villages", Chōza said thoughtfully. Himiko of The Golden Eyes.

"Who knows", Shikaku shrugged halfheartedly, "let's just hope that she doesn't get herself into any sort of trouble; whatever she does". But then he remembered... There were times where she had "unintentionally" caused "small" earthquakes out of anger to defend Guy, back during their time in the academy... "Well... any more trouble that it...", he added as he rose a brow at the thought.


As always, the challenge ended up being either rock-paper-scissors, sparing, accuracy, or even racing. This time, it was a race from the training grounds to the Hokage's building. It ended as a tie between the three. Next was rock-paper-scissors. In which Kakashi won. And so, Himiko did a playful mock salute while Guy ran off to start doing his one hundred laps around Konoha.

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