Part 1: Mushin Village

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A team of ANBU arrive in what appears to be a disheveled village that was near the outskirts of the land of fire; opposite direction of the Uchiha's compound. Houses were either burned down, collapsed from both interior and exterior damage, weathered, or somehow decayed. Bodies of the residents lie cold and motionless on the ground all around; dried blood everywhere. The group looked around from what was left of the Mushin Village.

"We were too late...", Hawk, the captain of the ANBU team, cursed. "Fan-out and search the perimeter! Try to find any possible survivors in this Desolate place! I'll search the main household. Meet back here in five. Scatter!", he commanded. The rest did as they were ordered as Hawk quickly went to the main house at the center of the village.

When he got there, it was a surprise to say the least at first sight, as the home of the main branch could collapse at any moment. If anymore strenuous damage were to happen to it. "Kami...", he breathed, as he slowly made his way inside.

As soon as he stepped foot inside, he heard a distant, silent cry coming from one of the bedrooms. Was that the sound of a crying child? Hawk made his way in the direction of the distressed sound down the hall towards the bedrooms.

When he got in front of the room the weeping was coming from, with the door being long since destroyed, there he saw a little girl. Who looked no less than four years old, down on her knees between the dead bodies of her parents. Holding both of their cold hands close to her face, shaking, while crying her heart out as tears continuously streamed down her face.

The room was just as damaged as the rest of the house; everything either broken or about to crumble to bits with the slightest touch. The bed in the corner being no less in the same condition. As well with the blanket and pillow covered in soot from the decayed walls, along with the dresser on the right side wall of the room; the closet with cracks alongside the door on the opposite side from there.

The little girl had hair as white as snow, that seem to shimmer slightly in the dull light that was streaming in from the window above the bed. Her clothes tattered and bloody, while her hair stuck to her cheeks from the tears. Her eyes closed tightly shut as she whimpered, "M-Mama... P-Papa... g-get up... p-please... d-don't l-leave m-me...", she sniffed, "I... I m-miss y-you...!". Hawk's heart broke at the sight of the heartbroken girl. Who could've caused all of this? How did she survive? Did her parents try to hide her away before the attacker came into their home? That would be one of the only explanations. But he can think about the possible causes later. Right now he needed to get her back to the Leaf; to Konoha. Where it would be safe. And where she could be protected from the one behind this massacre.

He wasn't sure on how to approach the weeping girl. So he decided to take it slowly, as he spoke as softly as he could, as he crouched down to her level, "hello, little one". This startled the girl as she quickly turned her head around, her crystal blue eyes wide open, looking absolutely terrified by the sudden presence of the man.

She shakily stood up and took a quivering step back as she continued to stare at him. "W-who a-are you...?", she asked as her voice quivered in fear. He slowly rose his hand, showing that he meant no harm, as he slid off his mask; showing his tanned skin and deep emerald eyes that show only concern and sympathy towards the trembling girl.

"It is alright. You can call me Hawk. I am here with a group of other Shinobi from the Leaf. We have come to take you to Konoha. Where you will be safe from danger. I can assure you that no harm will come to you in our village", he said softly, giving a warm smile, "what is your name, if I may ask?".

She hesitated for a moment, but slowly stopped shaking and tried to speak in a quiet, yet normal tone; though her eyes seemed uncertain with a lingering look of fear that still remained. Most likely due from the trauma. "H-Himiko Kinoka, sir- I-I mean, Hawk...", she replied softly. After a few moments, though hesitant, she decided to slowly walk towards the man. Who's warm smile seemed to have somewhat calmed her down a bit; as it looked welcoming in a sense.

When she thought about what he had told her, her face instantly lit up with a hint of curiosity; though still somewhat insecure. "D-did you say... Konoha...?", she asked. When Hawk nodded, she smiled slightly. "S-so... does... Grandpa Hiruzen... s-still live there...?", she asked hesitantly.

This shocked the captain. "Grandpa"? Does this little girl know the hokage personally? Was this the one that he had advised them to try and search for to make sure that she was safe? Himiko... now that he thinks about it, that name does ring a bell to the stories that the Hokage has once told him and a selected few about. But he can possibly ask him at a later time. Hawk smiles more softly at her. "Why, yes! In fact, he is the hokage of our village. And has been for quite a while. Would you like to come with us so that we can take you to see him?", he asked, holding out his arms towards her welcomingly; as a sign to ask if she would like him to carry her. Himiko smiled and walked into his arms as he picked her up and set her on his shoulders; holding her legs near her ankles to help support her so she doesn't fall. She didn't dare look back at what remained of her parents, but instead silently said her final farewells as they left the room.

Before they did, Hawk pulled out two scrolls and sealed both their bodies into each of them, then put the scrolls back into his pouch. He then went to check the rest of the rooms before leaving the house with her; with his mask back on; seeing as he couldn't sense anyone else's chakra. And began to head back to the rendezvous at the entrance gate of the village to meet up with the rest of his group. As soon as he got there, he felt her body go limp, which raised a bit of concern. But the feeling quickly went away as he heard her softly snoozing away. With her head resting on top of his head, and her hands hanging loosely to her sides in front of her.

"Captain", said a feminine voice, as her and the rest of the ANBU arrived back at the gate as well. The captain nodded and looked around at the rest. Seems like there was no sign of any other survivors...

He sighed as he signaled them to disband back to the village. In which they nodded and everyone vanished into the surrounding woods. How will the hokage react to this...?


Hey, all! Sorry for the short chapter. But the next one will definitely be longer! Hope y'all are having a great day!

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