Part 4: New Friends, New Bonds

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Hey, all! I decided to make this one especially longer, since it involves so many more characters. Though I might've made it a bit longer than intended... ^~^" Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


"So, how did everything go?", Kushina asked. The three of them were eating dinner at the table. She looked up at Minato and Himiko.

Himiko brightened before responding, "it was great! Our sparing and training went pretty well. And I'm going into the Academy tomorrow".

Kushina's eyes softened, "So I've heard. I knew you would do excellent, ya know. I can't wait to see how you'll get stronger", she chimed, making Himiko chuckle. While Minato just watched the two interact with a fond expression.

After dinner, they all walked to their bedrooms. Before any of them went into theirs, Minato looked over at Himiko and spoke up, "I'll lead you to the Academy tomorrow. Either Kushina or I will be there to pick you up afterwards, unless you want to head back on your own?".

She thought about it for a minute, before shaking her head. "Thanks, Dad. But I would like to come back home myself. I'll be fine", she replied. Minato and Kushina both nodded. "Good night, Mom and Dad".

"Good night, Himiko", they both replied. The three of them headed off to bed for the night.


The next day, both Minato and Himiko stopped in front of the Academy. "Looks like we're here", he said as he patted her head and gave her a small smile. "Good luck, Himiko. You'll do great", he encouraged. She looked up at him and nodded. She gave him a quick hug before saying her good-bye and walking inside.

As Himiko walked into the classroom, all the classmates looked over at her. She rubbed the back of her neck; somewhat nervous. She gave a small smile and put a hand up in a greeting. When the teacher looked at her, he gestured her over to him; which she walked over to stand there. He gave her a welcoming look before nodding towards the rest of the class; giving her the go-ahead.

She nodded shyly before looking back at everyone else. "Hello, my name is Himiko Kinoka-Namikaze. It's nice to meet you all", she introduced herself as she gave a warm smile. There were whispers going on around most of the students. Some were giving her curious looks, while others looked uncertain. The rest had unreadable expressions on their faces. It would seem that rumors have already spread, since there were no questioning looks. At least from what she could tell.

"Quiet down, everyone. Now, I know that you all might be curious. But please hold your questions until after class", he stated, as everyone went silent. "Himiko, you can go and sit next to Rin. Rin? will you please raise your hand?", he asked. Said person rose their hand, and so she walked over and sat down next to her. "Now then, today's lesson will be...", he went on.

"Hi, my name is Rin Nohara. It's very nice to meet you", Rin said to Himiko, making her look back at her.

"Nice to meet you too, Rin", she replied with a soft smile.

"Oh! Obito, Kakashi, and I and a few other friends of ours were gonna go out to play tomorrow after the "Youth Ninjutsu" Competition. Would you like to join us?", Rin asked.

Youth Ninjutsu Competition...? "Sure! Sounds like fun!", Himiko smiled. After their brief conversation, they both looked back and listened during the rest of the class. Seems like the first day at the Academy wasn't so bad after all.


The next day, during the competition, Himiko decided not to participate. But instead, just watch. Afterwards, Her and Rin got to the playground. After a few other friends arrived, so did Kakashi.

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