Chapter 21: THE FUCKING END :)

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//Alright first off I'm so sorry it took THIS goddamn long to finish this lmao it's literally been going on for 5 years I have no excuse other then my brain is empty most days and my life is a fuckin hellstorm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like 2022 started and my parents car was stolen, they haven't been getting paid for things they did last year including me I'm still waiting on my last paycheck and my boyfriend that I actually liked broke up with me for a stranger so Ive been handling that and blasting "Forget Me Too" for the past week lmaooo, so I mean its just been a time- Anyway-//

While playing video games the two had bet that the winner would get a reasonable favor from the other. Max didn't know it yet but Ryan had actually let him win just to see what Max wanted as a favor.

"Haha yess!" Max cheered throwing a fist into the air, "I love this game!"

Ryan chuckled a little as he set the controller down, "Yeah, that was really fun.. So uh, what do I owe you?"

"Huh? Oh right! The bet- Well.. Hmm... Were going to pride tomorrow so as a favor to me you have to go so I'm not stuck with my dads all day."

"..Pride? You mean, the big one like an hour away? That Zander and Nathan are going to pride?"

"Yeah, I mean you're already staying over and we're going, and there's apparently good music and food.. So?"

"I um.. But... My mom wouldn't let me go- You know how she is about me being far away and, gay stuff..."

"We can just tell her were going on a hike, David's getting better at lying and they'd understand the situation."

"I.. I guess so... Are you sure there's no other favor?"

Max looked a bit confused, "Do you.. Not want to go?"

Ryan blushed a little and shook his head, "Its not that! I do! I've wanted to see a pride event for like the past four years now.. I just don't want my mom to find out..."

Max nodded a little, "Then she wont. No offence but if she cant sniff out the gays that are already living here and best friends with her kid I'm pretty confident she wont know you're going to pride with us-"

"Yeah.. She is... Kind of oblivious to it, or just ignoring it on purpose.. Even when I try to talk about it she doesn't seem to get it. I have a flag above my bed how does she not get it-"

Max perked up a little, "Like a rainbow flag?" Ryan blushed again, fuck did he just come out to Max? I mean hed mentioned some stuff but he never actually said it before now- "Uhh.. Y-Yeah-"

Max smiled a little, really happy that Ryan shared that with him, fuck hed been staring too long now 'Fuck say something back-' he thought, quickly trying to keep the conversation going. "O-Oh cool, I'm gonna try to get a bi flag tomorrow.. David said they're cheaper that way instead of buying it online and paying for all that shipping.."

"Oh.. Yeah that... That makes sense."


Just then Lyra made her way over to Max, sitting herself back in his lap with a quiet yawn. Max smiled a little, yawning too. "Must be contagious haha-" Ryan yawned right after him with a little chuckle, "Damn it really is-"

Max picked Lyra up holding her gently over his shoulder as he got up. "I'm gonna get ready for bed then I guess? Unless there's anything else you wanna do?"

"Nah I'm getting tired too, I might get a little snack first though."

"Okay cool, if you need anything you know where everything is." Max said as he walked over and into his bedroom. Laying Lyra on the edge of the bed and changing into pajamas beftore taking his nightly meds and getting into bed.

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