Chapter 3: Good morning Max!

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Max hadn't really slept, he just couldnt... He got maybe four hours before Lyra was pawing his face. He sighed a little and sat up rubbing his eyes, he looking at the small white alarm clock on the little bedside table, "It's like six in the morning.." He looked back at the cat, "What gives-?" 

She only meowed in response, "What? You wanna leave? ..Fine" He got up trudging to the door and letting her out. She sat right in the doorway staring up at him. "Oh c'mon- Let me sleep!" Max whisper yelled, he didn't want to wake David or anything. But Lyra didn't move, until Max did that is. When he go closer to the door way shed take a little step or two back into the hall. He rolled his eyes, "I can't follow you" She meowed again a bit louder and laid on Max's foot. "Goddamn- Fine ill follow you"

She nuzzled his leg before getting off him and walking down the hall, stopping every few seconds to make sure Max was still there. He rolled his eyes and kept trailing behind her, what an odd animal.. In the living room there was David?? He was pacing around with a notebook while whispering on the phone. "No no no- I can't do that! That would contradict practically everything else! Ugh... I've tried, nothing seems to fit!" Lyra hopped onto the couch and meowed causing David to notice Max. "Oh- Good morning Max! I'm sorry if I woke you?"

"Uh- No.. It was the cat actually, what are you up to..?" David hung up the phone. "I was talking with my editor. I'm trying to finish a bit of work, actually.. Maybe you can help!" Max shuffled out from the hall, "Oh? Help how?"

"I'm writing a story and my deadline is coming up faster then I thought- And I just can't find a good ending to the story! So far everything I've come up with isn't too good, but I'm only good at happy endings.. You hate everything right? Maybe you can give me a good opinion!" Max rolled his eyes, he did kind of hate everything.. "Yeah sure, whats going on in the story so far?" He couldn't believe David out of all people was a writer, what would he even write about? How great camping was? "Well the main character of the series is at this cave, he's looking for this magic totem to save his friends from the evil spirits that are plaguing the place he lives! But every time he goes in, he end up right back at the start! So he has to figure out how to get in! But.. Well... I'm kind of stuck at that, and there's a lot of things I still have to resolve, like the love interest between him and this girl that he doesn't like"

"Oh shit.. I mean... It sounds good surprisingly. Maybe you could have him find someone else? Like the magic item is a person? I mean, better then having him die and his home be absorbed in darkness for ten thousand years.." David perked up, "Max you're brilliant! I never even thought about another love interest!! Just as darkness is about to set in he meets the totem and to get her to reverse the curse he'll have to give her his life which she'll take on the form of a relationship! I love it!!" Max rolled his eyes, "Yeah ok, you have fun with that. I'm gonna see if I can go back to sleep.." David tilted his head, "Aww you sure you don't wanna help me write it? I'll put your name on it too!" Max sighed as he picked up Lyra, he knew he probably wouldn't get anymore sleep, and as much as he hated to admit. This was fun.. "Just for a bit, only cause you probably couldn't do it without me-" David smiled and got his laptop out, "Alrighty then! Lets get started!!"

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